mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Mykonos town Themis Kessaris

None of the Cyclades several countries to make choice. For the economy of the conversation I accept that all other preferences are really amazing. And now let's talk about the town of Mykonos, in the Cyclades of Manhattan, the city that truly never sleeps, except Ap months of hibernation.

Whatever you think about the island and the country is wrong. Believing that you will know when the visit is also wrong, because once is not enough. I spend 4-5 nights in the streets and you think you know. You do not know. You will not know that second summer will go, nor the third. And when some time, after consecutive visits, acquisitions feeling that you know, then everything will change and what you learn will be thing of the past.

Mykonos town never sleeps, has room for everyone, even when it does not fit others, have what you want when you want it, whatever it might be, simultaneously satisfying thousand different requirements. And changing the pace changing too. The island we visited the 18 you have changed as you changed in relation therewith you were at 18.

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