lundi 24 novembre 2014

Tourist places in Taiwan


As mentioned by a group of tourist destinations and attractions in Taiwan, complete today talk about the rest of the most important tourist destinations on the island.

National Park in Pingtung "Kinteng garden"

The history of the park in 1984, and is the only park of the equatorial region, climate, and also is the largest park and the most important in southern Taiwan, is located on an area of more than three hundred square kilometers, the largest percentage of the park is the dry ground, "181 kilometers passed" and the rest is water bodies, one of the most important tourist attractions for the beauty of its beaches, which is characterized by coral reefs, along with tropical forests.

Kinteng Garden: Pingtung conservative site - almost Hengchun Peninsula.

Entry prices for the Garden: 32 yuan for adults.

Business district in Taipei "Cimending zone":

The most important tourist destination in the capital for enthusiasts shopping visitors to the island, along with the goods on the market there are areas and sites attract many entertainment in the neighborhood, and there find the different types of clothing Chinese, Japanese and global accessory, with an excellent selection of popular restaurants and cafeteria.

Cimending market site:

West of the capital city of Taipei Taiwan.

The price of entry to the market: Admission is free.

Imperial Palace "Taipei Museum":

This palace is one of the largest museums of Taiwan, and contains many Alencih pieces that moved him from Beijing between 1933 and 1965 and was the target of their transfer is Hmyatem of attacks on Beijing in the Second World War, and inside the palace sits more than 700 thousand artifact Nafisa.

Imperial site Distance: Taipei city center.

Entry prices of the Museum of the Imperial Palace: 34 yuan for adults.

Sun Moon Lake:

Is the only natural lake formed in Taiwan, and is divided into two halves, including Lalu Island, the northern part of the lake is like the sun, while the southern half what it looks like a crescent moon, which in the process.

Site lake: in the center of Nantoh County.
Entry prices: Adults 20 yuan, 10 yuan for students.

Taipei 101 skyscraper:

Is the financial center of the capital, Taipei, and this skyscraper rises to more than 509 meters above the ground, and was the tallest building in the world before the Burj Khalifa, one of the most important tourist destinations in the capital, Taipei.

Site skyscraper 101: Xinyi district in the capital, Taipei.
Entry prices: 86 yuan for adults.

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