mercredi 16 novembre 2016

Helpful Tips When Preparing For Paris Cultural Walks

By Mark Price

Paris is most often termed as city of love by many people who know about its history. It is one of the cities which have not abandoned their culture despite civilization. Additionally, it has recorded culinary breakthroughs over the years. If you are planning to visit the city, you should not miss out on Paris cultural walks.

When you have basic information concerning the history, culture and people living in the city then you will not have a difficult time even if it is your first time there. French is the universal language and it helps learning a few phrases especially greeting, asking for directions or help in shopping. Fluency is not a must.

If you are a person who cannot go for extensive periods without going to the toilet then you should be prepared to pay for such services in the city. There are no free restrooms unless it is at the place you are staying in. Carry loose change to avoid painful delays or being turned away.

Paris is the home to many smokers. Thus, do not be surprised to see more than half of the population smoking cigarettes. You might be disturbed if you are not a smoker but once you understand the culture then it will be easy. There are designated places for smoking in the city but not everyone abides by this regulation. Makeup is not something Paris women are fond of. They prefer the natural look. Therefore, you can cease wearing make-up while in Paris to avoid appearing so different.

Even if there are cultural differences, you should not label everyone as weird just because they are not behaving in the manner you are used to. Some are very friendly after you get to know them. You will notice that they greet everyone with a smile. Adopting this will not hurt you.

For people who are traveling on budget, hiring taxis should be out of question because the rates are way too high. The metro should be used all the time unless you have some money to blow. The good thing is that it is easy to understand. Once you learn how the system works, you can go anywhere in Paris at a small fee.

When in restaurants, you should take your time to enjoy the cuisine. People are not in a hurry to get through the day. Additionally, you should not expect the waiters to bring you checks. You might be waiting for a very long time if you do not know otherwise. Also, remember to greet people as you enter stores and bid them goodbye on your way out. It is an important tradition.

Getting a guide will make the walk more interesting. You will learn a lot at the end by choosing someone who knows all about the history of Paris. The month you choose to visit Paris will influence your experiences. People who like heavy human traffic will love Paris in August. However, you should travel during the other months if you are not a fun of crowded streets and public places. You will not be disappointed for choosing to travel there since there is so much to see and learn concerning the culture.

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