lundi 27 mars 2017

What A Conch Farm Provides People And Marine Species

By Kevin Myers

Mariculture or aquaculture has steadily developed in the Bahamas region and on the entire archipelago based Caribbean Sea countries. Some of the earliest species to have been taken into in these kinds of projects are now thriving successfully. And this success has paved the way for even better facilities for protecting marine species while making them commercially viable.

One such specie is that of the Caribbean Queen Conches, which have been a staple of Caribbean diets for many centuries. Conch farm in Turks and Caicos now have moved forward scientifically and practically so that its mariculture system is among the most advanced in the world. You can study the subject online for more relevant views and details of this.

TCI authorities are doing a joint venture with the companies that are leading the field, and this bode well for the complete recovery of a species that is still overfished throughout the area. Unregulated hunting for the longest time means that there are less of them in the wild than ever. Because of the farms, the conches have now a fighting chance for survival.

Specialists here have created a deep sea farming method that can be done with offshore cages. This method is revolutionary and is now being pilot tested for several endemic fish species that are becoming more endangered. The government of the islands and its partners has applied what they learned from conch farms for grouper, pompano, snapper and cobia.

The pioneering farms are also great stimuli for the local economy for its being a provider of excellent and affordable meat protein as well as jobs for the local population. Meanwhile, conches in the wild get a measure of relief. These places operate on a high standard of technical capacity for running hatching stations and ponds for developing fish that will be farmed undersea.

For the Caicos group, the main specie being addressed is the strombus gigas, but diversification is ongoing. The aquaculture revolution here is ongoing, and now has things that make it an industry that is friendly to the environment. When completed, the new project can enable TCI to be one of the most successful seafaming countries worldwide.

The areas for these farms were chosen for having steady currents in deep waters. These places are best for the largescale undersea farms being projected. Conches in the Caribbean, however, are still being fished and hunted in a scale that endangers them. If not for the efforts behind the sea farms, they will face extinction sooner.

The seafarming places have also attracted the interest of many people who are concerned with the environment and conservation. While these undersea and land facilities are strictly not tourist areas, their success have made enough waves to be featured as limited access spots for tours. And TCI being one of the recognized spots for tourism in general, you can imagine how interesting such a tour would be for those people who are fighting for conservation and the like.

The seafarming method has achieved a lot of things that is now being studied for application on other places. Despite the fact that the tech developed here is for warmer seas, these can be adapted. There are a number of good websites to further study this topic.

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