samedi 27 mai 2017

Information About Marietta Ohio Hotels

By Marie Brooks

Hotel is a place where lodging and other services are made available to the public. There are different types of these establishments in the world today. Marietta Ohio hotels are among the best establishments in United States and in other parts of the world. In this article, there is history, description of various the types, and a description of services they offer.

The word hotel has its root in the French language. Back in time, the term was used to mean places where people went in order to be cared for and receive services. Thus, the term has come to mean a facility that provides accommodation and other services. The term has evolved from different words today and it can still evolve into many other different spellings in the future.

A hotel, as a facility that offers accommodation to people, especially travellers has a very long history. The facilities have their root in the Roman and Greek cultures. In these cultures, people could go into these facilities to receive accommodation. People could rest and have a bath in the facilities too. Before hotels became what they are today, inns were the most dominant establishments.

These facilities vary a lot in their sizes and service s provided. The low-end varieties normally offer a mattress in a small room and meals. However, the high-end varieties offer a wide range of services and facilities. For example, one may find flatscreen televisions, kitchen facilities, upholstered chairs, fridges, en-suite bathrooms, dressers, and big rooms. One may also find additional facilities such as day spa, gymnasium, basket courts, swimming pools, childcare, business centers, and conference facilities.

The doors in most facilities have numbers on them. The purpose of having these numbers is to allow guests to be able to know which room they booked. Custom-decoration of rooms also happens in some cases. In some places, the facilities do not offer lodging alone, but instead provide meals too. In some Nations, laws have been passed that require food to be served to the guests in their rooms.

These amenities are of different kinds, especially in the present days. The main types comprises of full services, upscale amenity, select service, economy and limited services, extended stay, destination clubs, and motels. Other countries have different categorization depending on various features. This varies in the price, function and the size.

The cost to pay after staying in a hotel depends on so many factors. The major factor is the location of the hotel. For instance, charges vary from country to country and from city to city. In developed countries, the costs tend to be higher than in the less developed countries. However, sometimes the costs in a country may vary from one region to the next.

In some countries, there are companies that own many big hotels. If that is the case, the companies tend to change the cost for services provided in different countries. Some major hotel chains today are Marriot, Hilton hotel, Hyatt, Sheraton, and Holiday Inn. Most of these companies operate worldwide. These companies have greater impact on the economies of those countries. However, they may be skewed in terms of the number of establishments in each country.

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