jeudi 1 juin 2017

Reasons To Travel To Jordan This Year

By Joyce Rogers

The Middle East is a beautiful place. It is the birthplace of civilizations. The famous Garden of Eden was in Babylon which is part of present day Iraq. This region has two of the most powerful empires that have ever been in the world: The Babylonian and The Persian empires. There are many reasons to travel to Jordan. This country has a fair share of the wonders of Asia. That is why it usually receives many tourists each year. There are many things that one can do in Jordanian cities including enjoying nature.

Jordanian cities are filled with awe and wonder. One will always be left in amazement of the raw beauty of this great country. Even with great determination, one cannot explore every Jordanian wonder in one trip. There will always be need for a return trip. The more than one gets to interact with this nation, the more that he falls in love with it.

The Petra ruins in this nation occupy a special place in the list of archaeological ruins. One will be amazed by the pure genius behind the construction of these ruins. It seems that even before the dawn of modern civilizations, there were great Jordanian architectural minds. These ruins are not less than three thousand years old yet they still look amazing and functional.

A trip to the Jordanian border with Israel is not complete without being soaked in the goodness of the Dead Sea. The sands of this sea have more than a dozen therapeutic and cosmetic benefits. This sea is of a different kind. First, it is far below sea level. Secondly, its water is salty and rich in various minerals.

Jordan is a place that is witnessed many great religious activities. It is considered as a place of interest by the three major faiths: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. It is where Jesus Christ was baptized. The baptism precisely happened at the Jordan River. John the Baptist started his mission of calling people to repent their sins, on this river.

Jordan is one of the most peaceful countries in the Middle East. Unlike its neighbors, it has never experienced major conflicts. That is because of democratic nature of the Jordanian government. There has been the peaceful transfer of power many times. In addition, the peaceful nature of Jordanians means that there are usually no terrorist attacks as is normally the case elsewhere.

Jordanians are good people. They are very friendly. Upon landing from a foreign country, one will get a warm welcome. There will be many people who will gladly show an individual around the country. The warm and inviting nature of Jordanians is the subject of many books. When one makes a Jordanian friend, he has made a friend for life.

Visiting Jordan is a great experience. One will never regret for the costs of booking a flight to Amman and the money spend on the various expeditions. In fact, value for money is highly guaranteed because there are many modern and natural attractions to be enjoyed in different parts of the state. At the end of the trip, one will be left with great nostalgia.

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