mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Custom Tours London Tourists Love To Recommend

By Mary Wilson

If you have never had the opportunity to visit England, you have missed one of the most beautiful, interesting, and historic countries in the world. Everywhere you look there are castles and keeps dating back hundreds of years. The landscape is lush, and most of its cities are kept in pristine condition. If you are planning to visit the United Kingdom for the first time, you should consider the custom tours London visitors always rave about.

There are favorite excursions that touring companies have to offer and one is a day long trek through the city starting at St. Paul's Cathedral. Guests on this tour are there when the doors open and allowed to walk through Christopher Wren's masterpiece. A photo opportunity outside Westminster Abbey is the next stop, and then it is on to the Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace.

The ravens will greet you at the infamous Tower of London, the last home of Anne Boleyn and the Princes in the Tower. This is where the Crown Jewels are kept, and you will have a chance to view them on your way to the White Tower. A leisurely boat ride down the Thames will give you spectacular views of this city. Finally it is time to fly up and away on the London Eye, the highest observation wheel on the planet.

If you have already taken a tour of this city and have an adventurous spirit, there are specialty excursions that highlight the notorious and mysterious history that surrounds England's capital. You will begin with an open bus tour of the haunted streets of the city and travel to Tower Hill where beheadings routinely took place.

Next you'll take a walk through the notorious Smithfield Market and see where Braveheart was tortured. As the day winds down, it will be time to walk the alley ways where Jack the Ripper performed his macabre murders. Once you have completed that tour, you will be ready to relax at the Sherlock Holmes pub and discuss with the other tour members who Jack really was.

Harry Potter fans won't want to miss the Warner Brothers Studio Tour that has been recently updated and expanded. This tour takes visitors behind the scenes to see the sets, costumes and props that make the movies so special. Tour guides will reveal secrets about the animatronics and special effects no one else knows.

During your time here you'll visit the Great Hall, see Dumbledore's private office, and walk down Diagon Alley to visit the shops where Harry and his friends picked out their favorite wands and brooms. The train station and Platform 9 3/4 has been expanded and the Forbidden Forest is now open for visitors to step into.

No matter whether you are a first time visitor or have enjoyed the city multiple times, you can find a tour that is perfect for your needs and interests. Each one will show you things you have never seen before. This is truly a city like no other.

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