jeudi 15 février 2018

Etiquette Secrets For An Event Free Stay At A New Orleans Bed And Breakfast

By Charles Cole

Inns have been a preferred choice of accommodation for many travelers over the ages. Many choose them over hotels mainly due to their lower costs, easy mingling with other guests and homeliness. If you are planning for an overnight stay soon, here are some tips to enjoying a hassle free experience at a New Orleans bed and breakfast.

There are a number of things that a guest should let his host know before reserving accommodation. The facilities and services in inns are often tailored to meet the needs of guests. Nevertheless, different establishments have different policies when it comes to such aspects. Communicating your needs early is a good way to ensure you do not get inconvenienced.

You might want to start by telling your host about your dietary restrictions, allergies, room preferences any special request you have in mind. If you are handicapped, ask if their services also cater for the handicapped. You also want an establishment that is friendly for your children. Steer clear of establishments that allow indecent behavior on their premises.

Most inns have provisions for celebrations, as long as you make your intentions known early on. Some innkeepers even offer complementary services for those marking special occasions. You may also have special meals prepared on request. On special days such as Valentines, complimentary chocolate and wines may feature in the menu.

One thing that often puzzles guests is whether to eat breakfast in their rooms or do so in the dining area with other guests. Eating with others is a noble gesture and a wise way to make friends. It is possible that your inn will require you to eat breakfast with the others. Nevertheless, you may skip it altogether if you do not feel like taking it. In this case, communicating early is the right thing to do. Most inns have no reservations on eating out.

Depending on the inn you stay in, there may be provisions for packed breakfasts. This is often the case for inns located close to hiking areas. If you are in the area for an adventure hike or vacation, find an inn that has no restrictions on this aspect.

Every innkeeper knows that it is hard to enforce check in time limits. Flight delays and traffic jams often keep commuters grounded for hours. If you ever find yourself in such a situation stay calm till you get to your destination. Nevertheless, courtesy demands that you inform your hosts of your unavoidable late arrival early.

Pet rules vary from establishment to establishment. Be sure to make a formal inquiry before letting your dog hop on to your RV. It would be a great inconvenience to have to search for a different inn when already on the ground.

As it is likely that you will be interacting with new people during the course of your stay, you should know the right topics to converse about at the dinner or breakfast table. Everyone should feel free to interact freely with others. However, you do not want your conversations to border on politics and religion.

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