mercredi 4 avril 2018

A Few Tips Before Booking Sonoma Biplane Rides

By Dorothy Scott

Many have fallen in love with the California wine experience as seen in the 1995 movie "A Walk in the Clouds" with Keanu Reeves. Maybe you would also like to see the place where this movie was filmed and experience it from the air with any of the Sonoma biplane rides available today. If you are in the market for such an adventure then do finish this article first before you book.

Do make a checklist prior to your trip. A checklist, though seen as very simple and neglected by many, is a boon to help you keeping all bases covered in your search for helpful information that can help in an informed decision. Never neglect the use of a checklist when able to use one.

Factor in at least a few days up to a week for the trip you have in mind. The extra days are useful to make up for lost time that may happen due to weather, traffic or even flight conditions. Always slot in a few days extra for new places you are going to.

Knowing the time of year to make your trip can make or break the bank, and you should know that the peak season for tourists in the Sonoma area is around October to December. These latter months are what is known as crushing season and tourist are given the opportunity to crush grapes with their bare feet. This was a scene in the movie aforementioned if you were able to watch it also.

Time of the week should also be factored in, and it is better on weekdays to go flying around as there will be less people also, as most will go to the area on the weekends. Thus scheduling your trip and biplane ride should be fairly cheaper if it is done on a weekend.

As for the pilot of your trip, do look into professional conduct. The pilot that will be flying you around should not only be licensed but courteous as well. It is always nicer to fly around with a nice person than a grumpy and mean one. You could probably ask around who is the nicest pilot for you needs online or even locally.

In some instances, some operator do allow for a few minutes, flying of the plane by the passengers themselves. Only those operators with very skilled pilots will do this and is not done in every case. It may pay for you to ask if this can be don in your situation, and who knows, you may be in for an unexpected treat.

And as an added tip, it may also be a good idea to get an experienced flight operator who is familiar with the local history and important events of the valley. Get a pilot who will not only fly you safely but one who can educate you as well into the finer points of local history not covered in history books.

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