mardi 3 avril 2018

Booking California Biplane Rides Over California Wine Country

By Christopher Evans

The movie "A Walk in the Clouds" which starred Anthony Quinn and Keanu Reeves in 1995 gave a good portrayal of life in the California wine growing areas of Sonoma and Napa Valley. Many in fact go to this place due to the great scenery and laid back atmosphere, and you can also experience this and top it off with California biplane rides that go over the area. Should this kind of experience be your cup of tea, then do read on about how to book this adventure.

For this endeavor, it is recommended that you use some kind of checklist to help you out. Having a simple checklist as a management tool will help you make a decision that has covered all possible bases. You should never under estimate the power of a simple checklist in decision making.

When planning this trip do consider duration, and plan at least a week for it. The week, though it may seem long, is a good preparation and backup for any unforeseen eventualities such as delays due to weather, traffic and even flight conditions. The extra days you have under your belt will ensure that will hit a perfect day for flying should delays occur.

It is also wise to know the peak and off peak seasons for this area so as to make you save more money. It is probably not best to go during the peak season of October to December which is the grape crushing season that many look forward to and participating in. It may be best not to go at this time if you are on a budget.

Once you do reach the California wine areas, it is best that you book your flights on weekdays rather than weekends. This is because the demand for these flights are higher on weekends and will cost a bit more. It is also probably a lot tougher to book these flights on weekends due to the volume of requests.

When looking for a prospective pilot do ask around for the one that is most reliable. Inquire also into the level of professionalism and customer service that they can provide. In short choose the friendliest pilot out there so you can enjoy your flight more.

When looking for a pilot it is also good to get one that has a good local knowledge, particularly on customs and history and also local traditions and beliefs. In this way it will make for good conversations before, during and after the flight and will give more color to your adventure. Someone with expert local knowledge will be invaluable in giving you very specific answers to some fairly difficult and interesting questions should you come up with any.

This short article has shown some considerations you should take into account prior to your booking a flight to visit the California wine areas. There are of course other considerations that you should research prior to your trip but suffice it to say that the ones covered in this article are good baseline information you can work with as a start.

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