lundi 2 avril 2018

Questions That Need Answers Before Choosing A Dog For Tennessee Hog Hunts

By Catherine Taylor

A dog is great to have around as it brings a new sense of responsibility in a person s life but decisions need to be made before running to the store and picking one up is even made an option. As cute and cuddly puppies may be, they need a lot of responsibility and taking care of, almost as if they were trial runs t having children. But a needs analysis should be conducted on the kind of dog Tennessee hog hunts need rather than choosing the first one that comes to mind.

How active of a pup are you looking for? The dog you choose should in essence be reflection of you as this will make it easier to live with but there are always exceptions to the norm. Runners should aim to have dogs that enjoy physical exercise and coach potato s dog s that don t mind being physically active once in and awhile. All dogs need some form of physical activity, some more than others and within the species there is a wide scope for you as a prospective pet owner to choose from.

How much time will the dog realistically spend alone? There is no getting around it, unless the dog in question is for a retired individual who would like to enjoy their pension with a companion of another species. But provisions need to be made on whether there will be someone always around to look after the dog or it will spend 4-5 hours alone.

The size of your dog? How big or small it is for some is as important that the breed of dog that they choose. Dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, literally and this should be considered when deciding on what kind of dog to choose.

Once a dog has been chosen, before it comes to its new home. Make your home pet friendly. This means finding out what is a no-no to have in the home. Things like chewing gum are deadly for dogs but gum aside, small toys, electrical cords and even flora that may be dangerous to your pet need to be checked and relocated.

Do you have young kids under 7 or planning on starting a family? Dogs are territorial and some need more affection than others.Dogs need attention and may feel threatened when you pay a baby more attention than them. Try to remember that small dogs tend not to do well with younger children and some dogs are natural caregivers like Labradors.

Visit a vet regularly. This isn t a question per say but more of a helpful tip especially for first time dog owners. Visiting the vet on a regular basis can help you learn about what to look out for if you suspect it s acting out of character. Veterinarians can also help in assisting you in terms of what to look out for when your dog is in its golden years but fundamentally, keep your dog healthy.

What matters most when choosing a pup is if you have taken your lifestyle into consideration and done the research. If that has been done than finding a pup won t be a problem

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