jeudi 6 septembre 2018

Do We Really Need A Safety Parachute

By Timothy Murray

Why? Do you have a passion for jumping off planes for the adrenaline rush? That is kinda epic at the same time not worth it. But to each their own, we suppose. Just make sure you will not die on your way down. Or when you land. With your face. That would suck. But maybe it is also poetic in a way? To die while doing something that excites you. It is the same way as dying in battle as a soldier. Or when you are fighting a dragon. We would want to fight a dragon. Whether it is relevant or not, this topic goes from fighting dragons to Safety Parachute.

This is going to have a lot of references from the book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians. As well as The Heroes of Olympus. Mostly because the characters there suffer a lot of falling from a very tall building or something of the like. Or just falling in general. Like the one where Percy jumped out of a building to avoid fighting a chimera.

What? It is very much possible. With the amount of intelligence our gadgets have, plus the trust we put into them with our personal information, they could easily rise up against us. So who cares about parachutes when robots and androids are walking down the streets doing a human extermination?

Well, they landed in River Cocytus. This river is known as the wailing river, where the souls of those in regret, and probably anger, reside. Since the couple landed there anyway, a parachute would only just prolong the inevitable. Unless it made the land somewhere else. But this is Tartarus.

Fine. That was not a good example to prove our point. Those A. I can actually be harmless and peaceful. It was actually us humans that were terrible and provoked them to do a revolution that leads to a war. As usual, humans make everything complicated with the wars we so claim to hate yet we always have reason to start.

In the end, the curse lifted because of the arrows Atreus was using. That sure made Baldur go from insane to downright crazy. He was so uncontrollable too. But Kratos still ended up having to kill him. Not because he wanted to. But because he needed to. It was sort of his duty.

Freya went cold and started hating the father and son. Who could blame her? Her son just got murdered in front of her eyes. She did not even care that Kratos did it to protect her. As much as we all were annoyed by Baldur, if you are a parent, you would have understood where Freya was coming from.

For example, we live our lives here on the ground. So why do some of us like to fly over it and then jump down, treating it as some form of a hobby? Do we actually seek death? Is all that we do and crave for actually connecting to us wanting death?

Still, would any of those precautions work when he and his girlfriend fell into hell? At least the two of them survived and got out. With a few broken pieces, that is.

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