mardi 19 février 2019

How To Turn Your Family Van Into A Port Canaveral Shuttle Service

By Scott Young

With a desire and ambition to offer services to people, your family van can be turned into a dependable cash cow. People traveling through air avoid paying long term parking charges at airports by hiring shuttles. This helps in preventing worries that engulf you when you leave a car unattended for several nights at the airport. If your minivan is in good shape, you might make an extra income by taking advantage of these travelers who keep looking for Port Canaveral shuttle services.

Owning a van does not make you ready to start ferrying people from a point to another. Several requirements have to be met before you can advertise that you provide the services. Make excellent plan with the help of a business consultant. Consider expenditure, demographic areas, competition, and other aspects that are crucial in running of this venture.

The state offers different requirements in all businesses that must be achieved before conducting any form of transaction. Operating without their authorization leads to a jail term or heavy fines that could affect your dreams. Public van drivers are issued with special licenses that are given after providing medical certificates that prove you have an exemplary sight and sound health.

Contacting the insurance cover provider is another essential step that has to be taken before turning the van into a shuttle. The policies issued for private and public vehicles are different, and some clarifications must be done. Additional fees and another inspection will be done to get the right policy for your business. As such, your clients will be covered in case a mishap takes place.

Your customers will have different travel plans whereby some might want to be taken across the state while others might need to be taken from the airport to their hotel. As such, the vans must be in good status to carry out the tasks without major breakdown along the road. Identify mechanics that provide quality services and maintain their contacts in case you need them in odd hours. Maintain a sanitary environment of your car to avoid accumulation of dust and foul smell that might make the clients uncomfortable.

Making your services known to the public is a challenge that you must address before starting the venture. Parking the truck in an airport space or where potential customers flock does not mean that you will get a good number of customers. Therefore, advertise about what you do through a well-designed website, social media platforms, business cards, and billboards. These platforms will inform people from different areas on what you offer, and through the attached contacts, you will get many clients.

Printed brochures, flyers, and cards can work wonders if the materials are taken to all luxury hotels that are flocked by visitors. Their clients need transportation services whereby they depend on their hoteliers to source such services for them. With flyers and brochures, clients will easily identify your business.

Competitively pricing your services is another important strategy that needs to be worked on. Remember, you will not be the only one offering shuttle services and bidding too high will deny you better opportunities. Therefore, ask for prices that are neither too high nor too low to maintain your customers. Also, compensate your mileage, time and overhead that the vehicle might have caused.

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