lundi 11 mars 2019

Discovering A Weekend House Rental New Orleans

By Edward Russell

When visiting New Orleans, otherwise known as the Crescent City, visitors have a number of options when it comes to lodging. Depending on what time of year the visit takes place, rates can be extremely high or lower than many other cities. In fact, during the off season, a weekend house rental New Orleans can be obtained for approximately $70/night.

In most cases, rooms are fairly reasonable during the year, save for festival season from March through July, when most Air B&Bs, bed and breakfasts, hotels, motels and hostels increase rates. One way to assure getting the best rate is to reserve early. For, if reservations can be made prior to line-ups being announced during Jazz Fest, visitors can often find some amazing deals.

When traveling with a group, renting a house for a weekend can be a lot of fun and save individuals a great deal of money. At the same time, it should be noted that there is generally no insurance that guests will not be accused of existing property damage or taking items from the home. As such, it is often advised that when staying in a private residence to obtain references from past guests while also reading any existing reviews.

While these accusations are often few and far between, there are homeowners and property managers whom will make such claims just to file an insurance claim or have the guests pay the expenses to replace items, or fix damage. One way to avoid this problem, regardless of the type of lodging in which one is staying is to take pictures upon arrival and prior to departure.

If such problems do exist, it can often be difficult to get a refund on deposit, but could end up being more costly in the long run. It is for this reason that a number of people still choose to stay at bed and breakfasts, hotels and motels rather than Air B&Bs or private homes.

In reality, there are far more honest people renting out houses and rooms than dishonest ones. In order to assure this is the case, asking a homeowner or property manager for references, going over a check list of any damages upon arrival or obtaining answers to questions guests may have about the property should be no problem.

When seeking a place to rent for a weekend, or extended period of time for a specific event such as Jazz Fest or Mardi Gras, it is often best to find a location as close to the event as possible. In this case, private properties are often the most common choice when it comes Jazz Fest while French Quarter bed and breakfasts and hotels are often good places to stay for Mardi Gras.

In addition, parking rates during these events can often run $50/day or more. As such, in order to have the most fun possible and avoid driving in heavy traffic, finding what is often extremely limited parking or paying high taxi fares is to rent a place near the event. In doing, individuals will often have a far more relaxed and enjoyable experience when visiting New Orleans.

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