lundi 1 juillet 2019

Why You Need To Start Ladakh Trekking

By Cynthia Bailey

People find it easier to perform long-distance walking as an exercise than many other types. It is easier than running, jumping, lifting up weights, football playing and basketball playing. This is why doctors recommend it most times since a greater number of people can do it. For example, pregnant women can trek but not all of them can run or play football with it. It needs no special preparation so it can be done anytime and anywhere. Ladakh trekking gives these numerous benefits and the fact that you will enjoy a serene environment is a plus for it.

You are sure that the amount of fat in your body can reduce by walking a long distance every time. If fat accumulates in the body, you can suffer from atherosclerosis and heart failure. Being consistent with this for just 12 weeks can give you a result you will be happy with.

Doing this in Ladakh will help your lungs as you inhale fresh air. There are plenty of plants and trees there so your oxygen supply to the various tissues and organs of the body should increase. Walking in the same environment is also important for the health of the individual.

The tendency to develop stronger bones is also there. The way you walk or stand will also be better as walking regularly also improves posture. Your muscle tone also becomes better and you will be fit to do certain tasks.

Walking with a friend, brother, sister or your spouse makes this much easier. Even when you are weak, they are the ones that will wake you up to go for a walk. The two of you may decide to start up a discussion or share memories of what happened several years ago. This will make both of you suddenly realize that you have even walked more distance without feeling exhausted. If you don't have a partner yet, just take the first visit to Ladakh and you will most likely find an interested mate.

Another method is walking with a portable music player. Hearing your best music repeatedly may make you feel like you are not doing anything strenuous. Some songs play up to 15 minutes or more but sometimes, one can lose count of how many times it has played because of how interesting it may be. With a portable music player and some music, you can walk more than double your normal distance.

You will not know the benefits of trekking if you do not do it consistently. If you think you are too busy for it, you can give it at least 30 minutes every day. However, it is good to seek medical advice to know how much of it you should do to prevent other health problems. Do not forget to buy a good pair of canvas shoes. It should light-weight and not difficult to clean.

When doing this, you may want to add other activities such as sit-ups and hill climbing. This is only advisable if your doctor knows about it and if you have enough strength. But don't waste your time on these if you are still yet to cover your primary task.

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