jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Finding The Best Spots For Sightseeing Atlanta

By Joshua Stewart

Excursions are an excellent form of travel and relaxation. Tourists are exposed to new panoramic environments in various parts of the world. Such ventures equip travelers with adequate knowledge pertaining to cultures of different populations. More importantly, they get to appreciate scenery and interact with local communities. It is advisable to go through several potential areas of interest before embarking on a leisure expedition. A guide to the best sites for sightseeing Atlanta equips tourists with valuable information.

A visit to the Fox Theatre is a fantastic option for guests on the move. Initially erected in early twenties, the Arabian themed mosque has gained widespread recognition by millions of followers. The auditorium possesses a rich history coupled with several challenges experienced during the Great Depression. Several entertainment options such as ballet, movies and rock concerts are at the disposal of guests. Boredom is not an option in this highly entertaining environment. Furthermore, two large ballrooms are constructed to handle special ceremonies.

The History Center is a major tourist destination in the State. The complex consists of a Swan House, Centennial Olympic Games Museum and several historic gardens. Such buildings were constructed in eighteen sixty and offer a sneak peek into these times. More importantly, the complex contains the historic Margaret Mitchell apartment. The famous gone with the wind novel was written in this specific flat. Visitors are exposed to an exhibition of the late author. Her work was based on the American Civil War and Reconstruction.

The Fox Theatre is a unique Yaarab Shrine Mosque built in the nineteen twenties. It incorporates an elegant Arabian themed design. The Theatre depicts challenges experienced during the Great Depression. Visitors are provided with diverse forms of entertainment such as movies, operas, rock concerts and ballet. Two ominous ballrooms, the Grand Salon and Egyptian Ballroom, have been set up to cater for special events.

Travelers with a keen interest in anthropology can visit the Fernbank Museum of Natural History. The center is home to various fossils unearthed by archaeologists. A replica of a dinosaur is the most eye catching phenomenon at the center. Tourists can also evaluate different forms of landscapes and cultures from different regions. Movie lovers can watch high definition films based on nature.

Shark fanatics can visit the Georgia Aquarium and feast their eyes on large species of fish. Visitors are assured of safety while viewing extraordinary marine species. Guests get to learn of various types of fish in the marine ecosystem. Avid divers need to possess a scuba diving certificate before participating in dive program. Impressed tourists are bound to make regular visits in future.

A quick stop at the Coca Cola headquarters ought to be done by food and drink enthusiasts. Made in eighteen eighty six, the brand has grown into the most popular beverage. A lot of effort has been put to in the creation of the soft drink into a global brand. The ingredients of the drink are highly guarded secrets that only a select few know. Not only do guest get free samples but also learn about the tips to success.

Art lovers are encouraged to visit the Michael Carlos Museum for its diverse pieces of art. The monument contains a large collection of art from Egypt, Rome, Greece and native America. Furthermore, artwork from the Renaissance period is also available to interested viewers.

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