vendredi 30 septembre 2016

Nine Easy Steps When Planning For Your Rehearsal Dinner

By Karen Stevens

A rehearsal dinner is a tradition for North American people. This is a pre wedding ceremony which is often held either after the rehearsal for wedding or on the night before the day of wedding. And since this kind of event is more than a celebration, most couples prefer on holding it 2 nights before the day of wedding. Through this, they will have more time on relaxing, recuperating, and getting ready for the main ceremony.

This kind of event could be a very nice opportunity so that the two families can spend their time together. But the very purpose for having a rehearsal dinner Nashville was for relieving any tension in which everyone or every guests is feeling. And thus, this can make them more comfortable while not diverting attention from main events.

The event cost is traditionally incurred by grooms parents. But it depends on the decision of both families. Sometimes, this is incurred by brides parents or the decision is that both families will shoulder it. The guests who will be invited importantly are your immediate families, the spouses and members of the wedding party, parents of children who are invited, and lastly is the officiant.

This article will be sharing with you on how to plan the event in just nine simple steps. First, you decide the hosting. Traditionally, grooms parents are the ones who shoulder for a rehearsal dinner and brides parents for wedding. At times, both parents prefer on sharing responsibilities for wedding, so the couples are the ones who shoulder the dinner.

Second is to consider it casual. Since this will be the day that most invited guests will meet for the first time, choose on making it casual. The dress code must be more likely the attire for the wedding ceremony. And also consider an open seating where in guests are free to choose their own seats and not assigning tables. Third is choosing a fun theme like outdoor barbecues, sports night, or hoedown.

Fourth is to pick a perfect spot. Choosing a unique location can give the celebration with some kind of feeling. Some unique venues are in a bowling alley, beer garden, or local parks for barbecue parties. A restaurant is a nice choice as well. Fifth is to create the guest list. Important people that should be invited are the close families, officiant and spouses, and your close friends. If you are inviting a lot of people, you may choose on having desserts and cocktails and not full meals to reduce the cost.

Sixth, you schedule it right. Most guests may be working, so consider on giving them time to prepare and traveling to the venue. Usually, party starts at 6 pm and dinner will start by 7 pm. Some guests who cannot join the evening event may be invited for breakfast celebration.

Seventh is you pass the mic to guests. They should have the chance to give some short speeches to the couple. Couples should also have a preparation for a short speech. Eighth is you give gifts. Presenting gifts to the family, specifically the parents for gratitude, love, guidance, and support.

Ninth is giving friendly reminders. Take this opportunity to tell everyone about some important details and announcements about the big day. Let them know about the important items to bring, the time, the location, and the attire.

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