vendredi 17 novembre 2017

What You Need To Know Concerning High Intensity Tower Lighting

By Steven Foster

Actually, it is risky when tall structures are constructed without fixing systems and lamps that indicate their height more so at night. This is because they can cause collisions with aircrafts. In fact, these accidents have occurred where choppers and planes have collided with tall mountains or hills causing death. This has brought a regulation that any building or structure with a height of about 200 feet or above to be fixed with a signaling lamp as it will help people and pilots on law flying planes to see it. For proper illumination, you need to look for high intensity tower lighting systems.

Towers are simply structures that are tall and their thicknesses are usually un-proportional to their height. However, people often confuse such structures with masts. Masts, however, contain guy-wires used for supporting them. The structures are again distinguished from other buildings since they are usually not intended for residence. Instead, they are used for other functions such as indicating time using clocks.

They can also be built with aerial cameras for security surveillance among other functions. These structures can also be put in place by communications and media service providers for telecommunication purposes. They can also be constructed for tourism and adventure purposes. These structures can also be fixed on top of a building or can be self-supporting.

They can also be used to transmit telecommunication signals and waves. Others can be constructed as adventure and tourist attraction sites. They can also be used on top of other buildings as lightning arrestors. Tower lighting is basically fixing of devices with illumination characteristic on the top of these tall structures, primarily to send information or signal which helps in avoiding collisions from bodies that are low flying.

These lights are found in two major styles. The red lamps are the most common form of lighting used. It normally follows a format of on and off in a sequence with at least three seconds interval. The cycle continues until they are switched off. The other form is the white xenon flashes and discharges. These white lamps have not yet become widely accepted but their demand is rising on a daily basis.

There are, however, other minor lighting options available. Such are the obstruction lights that usually have a constant illumination. The red beacons or the strobes often use incandescent filament bulbs that usually have a short lifespan. There are also medium and the high-intensity white strobes lights. The medium intensity strobes are used on 250 feet buildings and the high-intensity ones are used in 700 feet buildings.

These lamps can either be used at night or during the day. At the same time, the lamps can be solar or electric powered. However, you need to work with the lamp dealers and installers in order to understand an ideal lamps.

There are certain benefits associated with installing and fixing these lamps. First, they provide signaling that indicates the presence of a tall structure which eliminates cases of accidents and collisions. Fixing the lamps also means complying with aviation laws which make you not to be prosecuted or charged due to noncompliance.

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