samedi 10 mars 2018

Sites To Explore During Ghost Hunting Tours Texas

By Henry Cole

Ghost stories are often talked about in hushed tones by many. For a select few, however, this topic is an interesting one and any opportunity to find out what the spiritual realm is all about is always welcome. If you fall in the latter category, you might not want to miss out on ghost hunting tours Texas.

There are a plethora of tour firms that offer guided trips in the area. Texas is rife with claims of ghostly apparitions, with hotels, homes and cemeteries being top sites. An extensive tour of the area should definitely quench your thirst for knowledge of the supernatural world.

One of the buildings with the most claims of sightings in Texas is the Prince Solms Inn. Situated close to the Guadalupe River, this historic piece of property has been used to house guests for years. Its interior is marked with a timeless sense of elegance, with a big staircase leading up to the rooms that are filled with antique furniture.

Some old photos in frames are intricately placed on the wall as one heads up the staircase. On several instances, guests have said they saw some movement in the photo frames as they made their way up the flight of stairs, much like what you will see in a Harry Potter film. A functional antique piano can be found in the basement. When in the inn, whether with others at the bar or alone in your room, you get the creepy sense that someone or something is watching you.

The Blue Light Cemetery should also be high on your list. It was officially commissioned for use in the 1800s. However, it has been closed off to the public due to complaints about vandalism and alleged nighttime satanic rituals held within its grounds. A local fable is told of how Satanists once conjured a demon and set it upon the cemetery during one of their rituals. If you ever venture into this site, the locals will encourage you to seek divine protection beforehand.

Another location that will bring the creeps out of you is the Faust Hotel. It was built and commissioned for use in the 1920s. Its distinct 20th century architecture tells a lot about its origins. A large portion of its original decorations still lie intact. It carries a somewhat supernatural feel with it, with many people reporting an uncontrollable urge to venture into it just after seeing it for the first time.

Nowadays, there is a grill and bar at the ground floor. Event organizers and wedding planners also hire its big hall regularly. Ghost sightings within the building are rife. The most common claim is that the sound of intense breathing from an invisible entity. Without a doubt, this is a good site to check out if you are a fan of spooky stories.

The Woodbine Hotel should cap your tour. Its interior section is believed to be roamed by a female entity. It is often said the spirit shatters windows, opens and closes doors, throws objects around and terrorizes guests with its nighttime footsteps.

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