vendredi 22 juin 2018

Festival Tours To Visit When In The Country

By Elizabeth Patterson

Northeast India is a region with many festivals which showcases their rich and indigenous culture. Going to one is going to be amazing as there will be singing and dancing, foods popular in the country, and crafts, so consider yourself attending festival tours Northeast India. The following below are just some of the festivities that are being held every year.

Hornbill. For those who are looking for the grandest, the largest festival, and the most famous there is in the country, this is the answer. Located in the Nagaland, a name which comes from a bird they admire most, sixteen tribes would be performing how hunting is done through a dance. There would also be a rock concert competition.

Ziro festival of music are for all the music lovers out there who wants to enjoy indie type of music. Bands around the country will join forces just to perform. Exactly 30 indie bands will be coming over to take part in the event. What makes this unique is the fact that it is being held in a secluded mountain. But, the climb is worth it as a picturesque view unfolds right before your eyes.

Bihu, Assam. Assam has three major cultural festivals which all celebrates the agricultural period. The grandest, most colorful, and the loudest among the three is Bohaag Bihu which is the seeding time. Khati is a solemn occasion, there is the lighting of lamps which they believed would guide the souls into heaven. Maagh has bonfires, breaking of pots, and buffalo fights.

Myoko. A tribal festival which is a tradition of the Apatani Tribe. They do rituals for the prosperity of the whole tribe and so that the members will gain fertility. The village priest and shamans does the purification and sacrificing. At dawn, you could see how the rituals are performed. It starts with the collecting of pigs and ends by sacrificing the pigs on the huts of their owners.

Another from the Apatani Tribe is Dree. Held as a sign that agricultural period is starting once more. They do sacrifices wherein they offer various things. For the protection of their crops they pray to their god. There is a contest called MR Dree where men compete with one another to who among them is intelligent, has the strength, stamina, and agility.

Aoling by the Konyak Tribe, Nagaland. Konyak Tribe was once known as deadly head hunters. They still do hunting today but just occasionally. They are now busy practicing agriculture for the betterment of their tribe. This marks the beginning of spring and the start of a new year meaning they have already completed the sowing of the seeds.

Mopin. The main reason for the celebration is to thank their goddess Mopin. They do this in order to drive evil spirits away from them and to ask their goddess for wealth and prosperity. A folk dance called Popir are performed by the younger women while the older ones serve rice wine to everyone.

For those who loves to dance, Nongkrem would be the best choice. It is a five day thanksgiving and during that time they are harvesting. Men and women are both dressed up in lovely attires. Now if you are an animal lover or perhaps a vegetarian, you may want to choose another as this has goat sacrificing.

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