mardi 31 juillet 2018

Aerospace Companies In Maryland Are Developing Futuristic Spacecraft

By Pamela Gray

On a murky day a long time ago, a creature stood up and gazed at the sky to wonder at the vastness of the space. Often wandering in search of food and shelter, its mind veers off this activity to look up at the heavens. Not much has changed today even with the web of activities that man does and aerospace companies in Maryland provides an opportunity for enthusiasts to explore space.

The vastness of time and space cannot be measured. Various theories have been proposed as to its beginnings. The most prominent is the big bang theory. A big cosmic explosion happened trillions of years ago the flung particles into deep space. The speed with which the particles were flung was so forceful that collisions fused them together.

Forces in space cannot be fully described in words nor in mathematical formulas. All man can come up with are theories and postulations. No one can explain why galaxies do not merge and why it can stand alone in the vastness of space. The galactic system is just a microcosm of what is happening universally. At glance it appears to be static but it actually is expanding.

Within galaxies are systems that are mostly dominated by huge stars that exert a pull on other objects. The forces make it orbit around the sun in fixed paths. The system is scientifically termed as a solar system. This system basically is a huge star with several planets revolving around it. Other objects not of the system travel through it in cycles.

Earth is a small planet and is one that can support life. The surface is made of solid matter that stands as foundation of land and the seas. The biosphere contains elemental gasses like oxygen. Another layer next to the core is heated magma rocks and the core is made up of densely pack solid material that is electromagnetic.

Deep space has always been the realm of science fiction. Many a TV program have been produced depicting man travel into space. One movie is very popular all over the world. It features futuristic spaceships as well as other objects like the light saber. Travel is not conventional in this movie, jumping in hyperspace takes only milliseconds. Such is the imagination of man.

This contraption has evolved tremendously over the years. Races were organized that stimulated rapid development. Early models were made of fabric and wood. Today almost all are constructed of metal in its various states. Developments in engine technology also hastened the modernization of aircraft. Originally these were propeller driven and powered by engines mounted in the framework.

During world war two one nation created the jet engine. This revolutionized the aircraft industry. It was light weight and was more powerful than conventional engines. It was capable of making thrusts that could reach the speed of sound. Most commercial and military airplanes at present use this engine in its various forms. Two examples are the ramjet and the turbojet.

Fully developed nation are the richest on the planet and are the only ones that can afford to fund a space program. The most powerful nation on earth embarked on this endeavor and have successfully transported man to the moon. This costs billions of dollars in terms of planning, organizing, coordinating, and managing the program. This was principally funded by government.

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