jeudi 26 juillet 2018

The Best Travel Tips For Children With Autism

By Ann Barnes

Having a child who has Autism doesn't mean that taking vacations is out of the question. It just means that you have to do some planning ahead of time, and you may have to put in some extra effort to ensure that things go as smoothly as possible. It's not that difficult and it is well worth it, when you see how much fun the child has. Read on for hints and travel tips for children with Autism. These hints can make traveling a lot easier and less stressful for all involved.

First of all, talk, talk, and talk some more about the upcoming trip. Begin this a few weeks, or a month beforehand. If you are able to get your hands on some travel brochures, or a promotional DVD about the area, it's even better. Play the DVD, look at the brochures, and continue discussing the plans. The child will feel part of the planning, and things won't feel so foreign once you do head out, because you will have prepared the child.

Consider issues that may crop up. Does sensory overload cause a meltdown? Is loud noise a problem, food allergies, textures? If noise is an issue, consider bringing along headphones to block some of the noise out, if you're going to a loud place, such as an amusement park. Water shoes can make a trip to the beach easier to handle, whether on the sand, or in the water, water shoes make things easier and more comfortable.

If you'll be spending time in the outdoors, at the beach, or camping for example, there will be many sounds that are unusual. Make these sounds less bothersome by purchasing a sound machine, or a nature CD, a month or so before the trip. Play the CD or the sound machine each evening, so that the child gets used to these noises. By the time you're ready to leave for vacation, these sounds will be common, instead of unusual.

Discuss the trip. Begin talking about it well in advance and in great detail. By the time you're ready to go, everyone will know exactly what to expect. While it will still be a new experience, it won't feel as strange.

Pack some of the soothing items that the child seeks out at home. Having these along can be just what your child needs to soothe him or herself when things begin to get to them. Take a couple of these soothers along. Pay attention in the weeks leading up to the trip, and see which your child seeks out most often.

Don't make the trip to jam-packed with things to do that there is no downtime. Everyone should have some time to just chill and relax. Vacations are fun, but they can also be overwhelming, especially for the child with Autism, make sure he, or she has the quiet time that they need to regroup.

Finally, have fun, and don't stress. You'll be making memories and creating special bonds. Even if the vacation doesn't go exactly as you planned, do your best to stay calm and enjoy it. Vacations never seem to go perfectly, but that's one of the things that makes them so memorable. Remember, that in the future the family will look back on this trip and only remember the good.

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