lundi 31 décembre 2018

Discovering A Peru Vacation With Machu Picchu Tour Package

By Michael Moore

While there are specific areas of interest, the country of Peru is a natural and cultural tourist destination. Discovered in 1911, millions of tourists have visited Machu Picchu and other areas of the country as part of a Machu Picchu Tour Package. In fact, in 2017 alone, 1,411,279 tourists toured this historic heritage site whether through independent travel or as part of a group.

First discovered in 1911, the site has gone through a lot of changes since that time. In fact, the tourist industry and popularity have actually had negative effects on various remains in the area. As a result, UNESCO and local authorities are now considering whether or not Machu Picchu need be placed on a list of World Heritage locations in danger of being destroyed.

Due to the no fly zone, a large boulder was moved from Machu Picchu's plaza in an effort to create a helicopter landing pad. After which, in 1990, the Peru government prohibited helicopter landings. In addition, when a local company acquired approval for tourist flights, the license was almost immediately rescinded.

In all cases, these prohibitions and rescinded licenses were due to concerns with regards to tourist safety. For, there have been a number of deaths in the area already due to hiking accidents, floods and altitude sickness. In fact, UNESCO has been criticized over the years for allowing individuals to tour the location due to the high risks of earthquakes, landslides and injuries from falling rocks and decaying structures.

In January 2010, thousands of Peruvians and tourists were trapped when roads and railways were destroyed or washed away in a major flood. In fact, over two thousand tourists and locals had to be transported by air to safety. After which, the area remained closed to locals and tourists for over three months before anyone could return to the area.

Nudists and boisterous parties have recently invaded this historic cultural and heritage area. While authorities have installed new security cameras and parole the area more often, the problem still exist. Currently, those caught first-handed or identified on camera are either being detained or banned from visiting the site in the future. For, the effects of the nudists, partiers and criminals are causing even more destruction to the sacred sites in the area.

In 2011, the country introduced tougher entrance guidelines when it came to visiting the Citadel Machu Picchu. The new rules were an effort to reduce the negative effects of tourism on the site. At that time, the entrance was restricted to twenty five hundred or fewer visitors a day. Whereas, the entrance to Huayna Picchu within the Citadel was restricted to only four hundred per day.

In 2018, the number of visitors allowed to the site has diminished even further due to a three phase process in which the number of tourists allowed per day was reduced over the last decade. While this three phase process is now complete, this does not mean there will not be additional restrictions in the future. In fact, there are some in Peru whom would like to see the site sealed off from tourism in entirety to protect from further degradation and destruction.

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