jeudi 7 mars 2019

A Beginner's Guide to Preparing for Kayak Trips Ontario

By Sarah Fox

If you have recently been introduced to kayaking, you may be looking at taking a trip in one. Kayak trips Ontario are incredibly fun but you do need to make sure you are properly prepared. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use in order to make sure your upcoming paddling excursion is as safe, fun and enjoyable as possible.

Paddling trips can take one of two basic forms. One situation would involve paddling from one campsite to another. The other situation would involve camping in one set location and then exploring the surrounding water. Knowing what kind of trip yours will be will affect how you pack for your trip.

A great thing to do at first is to work with a kayak touring company. Pick a part of Ontario that you want to explore and find out which companies are working in the area. Once you have a trip booked, find out what they supply and what you need to bring with you. Start planning early so that you can ask plenty of questions and are not so rushed that you overlook something important.

Some people prefer to plan a camping trip that involves traveling to their site via the water. If this is the case, planning ahead of time is even more important. You should make sure you have the camping supplies you will need as well as the safety equipment and spare gear that you will need if something happens while you are on the water.

There are many different boats available. You can find longer touring models that will hold a lot of gear and make it easier to paddle on flat water. If you will be shooting rapids you will need a different boat that is smaller and easier to steer if you need to turn and dodge to avoid rocks.

If you are moving from one location to another, you need to look for gear that is light and which packs down as compactly as possible. A sleeping bag, air mattress and inflatable pillow will keep you comfortable. There are models which can be reduced in size so they are very small. You will need spare paddles, something to bail your boat with, and other equipment that will keep you safe on the water.

The food you bring and how you bring it is also important. If you are doing a lot of padding you are likely going to get very hungry. Make sure you have food for three meals a day and several snacks that you can eat while you are paddling so that you keep your energy levels up. There are coolers that are designed to work with your kayak that can keep food cold while you are paddling.

If you are not sure what to bring in terms of clothing, supplies or equipment there are many places that you can find help. Outdoor equipment stores usually have staff that are familiar with kayak touring and may have good advice. There are also websites where you can find options as well that will meet your needs and your budget.

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