vendredi 1 mars 2019

The Best Places To Visit When You Tour Mongolia

By Laura Butler

Touring new places should be your top priority every year. It is always good to visit as many sites as you can when you have the time and resources. This is because a time will come when you will wish you traveled the world. Therefore, if you are in perfect health, look for resources to travel the world. There are so many places that you can visit. Thus, there is no need to keep on visiting the same place every holiday. For instance, you can tour Mongolia and have a new experience this year. If this is your choice, below are the top places you should visit.

The first place that you should visit in Mongolia is the city of Karakorum. This city is located in the Orkhon valley. It is deeply set between the undulating hills and stony ridges and is a major tourist attraction. You will find ancient things like ruined grain silos, kiln smelting houses, stone turtles, etc. It is, therefore, a beautiful and historic place to visit.

There are also so many National parks in this country, Terelj being one of them. This park is open to all tourists, and the rates are affordable. Here, you will find nomad camps and camel farms. Also, there is a beautiful lake and hot springs that will attract your attention. More so, the serene environment of the park will make you want to spend the whole day there.

Besides the parks, there are also several lakes in this country. Lake Khovsgol is among the famous lakes that most tourists find interesting. This lake is the second largest in the country. Its waters flow from the Great Russian borders. The blue waters are clean and safe for using and drinking without any treatment. The lake is now reserved in a national park to prevent it from being destroyed.

The fourth place to visit is the Orkhon valley. This is the ancient home of the great Khans. It, therefore, has a rich history and tradition of nomad living. When you visit the valley, you will come across many white-fabric yurts spread out in the valley. This valley is a major attraction site, and many tourists flock here to see the legendary Karakorum ruins.

There are several towns in Mongolia and Ulaanbaatar is one of them. This town is famous because of its reflective glass skyscrapers. The entire city and neighborhood are also covered with stylish buildings. The style that the architects have showcased in these buildings is unique. Therefore, whether you are an architect or not, this is s chance to see unique style.

Erdenet is the second largest town in this country that you should not miss. This town is known for its quick development and accuracy. This town began as a small mining center that later developed to be a famous town today. It is a clean town with central gardens and good museums.

There are so many other towns and national parks that you can visit in this country. Therefore, all you need to do is look for time and resources. Make your plans early in the year so that when the time comes to go for the trip, you will have saved enough money.

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