jeudi 4 septembre 2014

5countries are advised to visit in 2014

In one of these states, and possibly more, you can spend a tourist trip will not forget.

It was forbidden entry to American citizens, but no longer the case because of indulgence restrictions, currently increasing proportion of its tourists from year to year, in 2012 there were 20 thousand American tourist.

Bangkok, Thailand
More than 11 million tourists visited the "Bangkok" in the month of August, and the end of 2013 and arrived at 16 million, making it the country's number one largest census tourists in 2013, with the advent of the new year will increase certainly, but this city has expanded to the establishment of new hotels and luxury enough need Visitors . Famous "Bangkok" Bmabidha old restaurants and nightlife that offers wonderful foods.

Portland, "Maine."
Gained this town America great fame due to feed it good and the arts offered, it is also home to many art galleries, particularly that by the University of "Maine" for the arts and is also a museum, "Portland" technical, at the beginning of each month crowded artists in the streets and musicians to present their work to the public.

Since the collapse of its economy in 2008, which is rebuilding itself slowly, and today has become one of the tourist destinations most exciting in Europe, in the capital, "Reykjavik" resides halls of great artistic and restaurants serving the finest local cuisine, and there is a new museum displays the most beautiful pieces ice in various forms, there are also a lot of clubs, and the biggest attraction is the resort where the "Blue Lejeune," which contains a healthy water hot despite the cold weather there.

Hong Kong
City "Hong Kong", which was packed in recently finest hotels, considered one of the more countries you visit the channel "Discovery" scientific, Count of the city to the same society, great for the Arts, where is held the festival "Hong Kong" International Art, and hosted the 2013 festival "Basel" Technical who succeeded greatly, and will be repeated again in his next May, is being set up large museum cost amounted to 642 million dollars dedicated to contemporary art decision opened in 2017.

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