jeudi 4 septembre 2014

The views are not recommended to visit in 2014

While India and tourist destination known for its history impressive, and it is only during the recent years, there have been news reports that confirm and turning many of the Bekaa Indian into a hotbed of violence and aggression towards women. 
According to The New York Times, the London has developed a list of London instructions for Britons during their travel to India for fear of being raped, as happened with melted Swiss, amid calls for tourists to respect dress codes and avoid isolated areas. 
These warnings highlight the ill-treatment received by women in India, since last December in Delhi, where she was a student physiotherapist, 23, was gang-raped has attracted worldwide attention. Warnings also add that women should be careful even if they are traveling in a group, because "groups consisting of women often receive unwanted attention in the form of verbal and physical harassment by individuals or groups of men." 
The British tourist said she jumped from the balcony of her room at the hotel in the northern city of Agra to escape from sexual harassment, according to the local police, which arrested the hotel manager Sachin Chauhan, on charges of sexual assault. 
It is noteworthy that these warnings do not apply to passengers, according to British, there are several other countries ask of female nationals not to travel to India alone.

  Although Thailand enjoy beautiful beaches, culture and wonderful, and the food is tasty and that is usually what comes to mind when you think of Thailand, however, that in recent weeks, has become a major political demonstrations and protests, things can not be predicted. 

And issued a State Department alert on travel to Thailand on January 19, calling for travelers by providing extra time when traveling to and from the airports, has caused protests, road closures, and also called for to avoid even peaceful demonstrations, because they tend to confrontation in the event of escalation. In this context, the government of 23 from around the world issued travel warnings to their citizens, including the United States and the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, Sweden and Singapore.


It seems that all States have warned their nationals and their tourists from traveling to Syria after the rule of instability at all levels in the country, with the escalation of killings, violence and bloodshed in the ranks of the Syrian people and the destruction and devastation suffered by the institutions of the Syrian state and the system infrastructure, schools, universities, hospitals, even the markets and Heritage and archaeological sites that carry an important part of history and civilization since the beginning of the crisis in March 2011, and that started a revolution to demand a popular democratic system

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