mardi 2 septembre 2014

The top three places in the south of France

1 Arles

Although the choice is difficult, Arles is my favorite of southern France city. With its Roman heritage, its amphitheater, the theater, the forum, the beautiful mansions of the 17th century, modern museums and wide and hilly river, Arles has many strengths. Arles was also the basis for Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin during their fatal but nonetheless fruitful partnership in the "Studio of the South". This is where Van Gogh painted some of his most famous masterpieces.

2 The Midi Canal
The Midi Canal

This tree-lined canal that runs from Toulouse lla Mediterranean is the largest site world heritage by UNESCO on earth. He came lsymboliser slow and quiet and relaxed South of France life. Designed by Paul Riquet, a tax collector from Beziers, this huge civil engineering project was the most complex and largest civil engineering company, since Roman times. 
Passing under the walls of the historic city of Carcassonne, the quintessential experience of southern France is boating, lpied or cycling along the Canal du Midi. Our favorite is the tronlçon linking Colombiers lCapestang. There, you can admire the oppidum Enslérune. This pre-Roman site is perched on a ridge above the vineyards of Beziers and you can admire the pond Montady with fields that form a wagon wheel. See also the top sites for children in the South of France.

3 The Bridge Of Gard
The Bridge Of Gard

This extraordinary Roman aqueduct, located just north of Nimes is another World Heritage Site by Unesco in Languedoc-Roussillon. Completed an excellent visitor center and a Mediterranean garden, the Pont du Gard is a lvisiter place. One of my favorite moments is to swim with children under the arches of the Pont du Gard or canoeing in the river. The Pont du Gard is also reflected in my selection of the best places to picnic in the South of France.

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