samedi 30 juillet 2016

What Makes Myanmar Backpacking Important To The People

By Barbara Carter

When you visit a place, there are different things you want to see and some of those you will encounter will be out of your plane. Therefore, Myanmar country in Asia has lots of places which you can tour and get excited. However, this has been made possible by Myanmar backpacking which is the trend in which people in the region has decided to get back to their culture in order to earn and attract more countries to visit them.

The first thing which makes it the hot spot for tourism is the culture which allows many to learn things in which they could have only read them from books. To begin with, a place like Burma has the greatest attraction due to media and news coverage in the area. The other thing is the kind of entertainment you will get from the city since it is cheap for you to get in their theatres and enjoy the entertainment.

Giraffe neck women from community known as kayan has been wearing coiled brass on their necks to make them attractive and retain their culture. Therefore, they have all the history about the community and it is interesting to listen to then hence ending up contributing to their livelihood. This is when you will ask them on the things which they believe have made them to backpack to the ancient and retain their culture to this date. They are available around the parks where they offer their teaching services to the tourist on a small charge.

Despite of a rich country in all these things which create a lot of income to the government, they remain the poorest nation in south Asia. This has been caused by the government taking more from the visitors and leaving citizens with almost nothing to improve their lives and living conditions. The only place the local people can get help from is the international community which has boycotted the tourism hence making it their only hope for prosperity.

There are different other thing which will attract people from all over the globe to visit this country. The first thing is Yangon which was the capital city before the government relocated it to Naypyidaw in 2006. Despite this challenge, the city has retained the number of tourists who visit and hence makes the great contribution to the economy of the country.

The other thing in making the place more important to visitors is the availability of a treasure which is not hidden known as the Golden Pagoda. This attracts eyes of many who pass along the way where the treasure is kept hence contributes to the income for the city people. The rates for services in this place are cheat to encourage everyone who comes for vacation and holiday.

The type of food available in the area is cultural and considered most delicious. Despite having delicious dishes, the country is also the grates exporter of food overseas which makes farming the main activity. Therefore make sure to taste their dessert before concluding your tour. This is a place where you will never seas to visit even after you have toured all their interesting and attractive sites since there is high experience in culture, wildlife and other things.

The money paid to a family run restaurant or business in the region is well accounted and the profits are shared among the people who were working in the building or to guiding the tourist. Therefore there is need for you to contribute for every service you receive from the place and make sure you have visited most of the precious parts of the country.

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