dimanche 19 août 2018

Factors To Consider Before And During Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

By Dennis Thompson

Most tour operators will tell you what you should do when you decide to climb a mountain. Very few you will alert you to the things that you should avoid before and during the challenge. You have to have a good body shape and in good health, for you to take part in the challenge. If you if you fail to take care of certain things you will end up suffering extraneous body harm when al, you were looking for is fun. Many people have lost their lives when in the process of this activity. You do not want to be counted among this group. For this reason, here are a few things you should avoid when you are climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

One of the major mistakes that most mountain climbers make in climbing this mountain is choosing to take the short route. The main reason why they choose this is to get to the summit faster. The shortfall of this decision is that they end up never making to the summit. They are faced with challenges of acclimatization which result to their calling it off midway. It is advisable to take a route that will take you at least 6-7 days.

Consider doing it during the sunny season. The best thing about it is that you are not going to suffer from sun heat as most of the time you will walk under the shade of the forested area. You do not require to carry many clothes. Also doing this during the dry season may allow for the best weather so as to guarantee you always wear dry clothes every day. They will easily dry after you wash under this condition. Again you this will protect you from contracting adverse weather diseases.

Physical training prior to the hike is inevitable if you want to succeed and get to the summit. Mount Kilimanjaro is not a technical mountain, therefore, it is not easily accessible. In addition to having a good body shape, you will require a lot of physical effort to get to the summit. Ensure that you hiking in your physical training. If you are not able to do a hike you may consider training on a stair machine.

During the challenge, you will experience constant weather state changes. When you think that the day will be hot, you may be baffled to find it change drastically to snow. Based on this changing weather state, ensure that you have the correct wear that will shield you from these eventualities. Confirm whether you have climbing boots, an insulated jacket, and a waterproof coat.

Try as much as possible to carry a small package. This will make it easier for you to move around. The best thing about climbing Kilimanjaro is that you may have a set of porters who will move your items from one campsite to another.

Climbing with a budget operator is not advisable. The price of the climbing varies with every tour operator. You may end up not enjoying the hike if your tour operator is not experienced in that area. To avoid this mishap, always climb with an operator who is a member of the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project.

High altitudes will affect your appetite. In most cases, expect to feel full when your actually needs more nutrients. Make an effort of eating no matter how full you feel. Although you may not feel thirsty, make sure you take at least four liters of water. This will keep you energized to complete the trip.

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