jeudi 30 août 2018

Women Adventurer Stories Are Inspirational To Females Of All Ages

By Linda Wallace

While it may seem that only females of various ages want to read about female superheroes, one may be surprised that some men enjoy reading these as well. While different genres may appeal to a certain type of reader, two things that a story must have is a good plot and believable characters. Many women adventurer stories that have been written in recent are sometimes based on real people.

Sometimes when people think of a daring woman, they may refer to old school characters like Calamity Jane or even Lucy Ricardo. While their antics may have been on the wild side, many other realistic figures that can show anyone that women can have a daring streak without being outrageous. Realistic roles for females can be found in law enforcement, the military, and industries that are only thought of as a boys club.

One statistic that cannot be denied is the number of women who chose to have careers in law enforcement. Going back to the 1960s shows and earlier, the only time a female was seen at a police station was from behind a desk. While a clerical career is not a bad thing, not every lady is meant to sit by a typewriter.

Stories of adventure can also be based on job titles people seldom think about. On many crime documentaries, there is at least one female officer with a high ranking that is giving forensic information. There are stories by independent authors that share what these women may have to endure behind the scenes.

However, one complaint by feminists and other women who worked in law enforcement was that some of the more popular shows were unrealistic. One was that there was too much emphasis on keeping the characters glamorous, even in dangerous situations. Others complaints ranged from a lack of diversity.

One reason why characters like these continue to be relevant is their smarts and ability to navigate out of trouble. While some of these storylines are pure fantasy, they can be inspirational to readers of all ages. Most women of today will say that positive female role models, both real and imagined, helped them to develop a fearless disposition.

While this formula has worked in the past, those familiar with the feminist era feel that character development is just as important as the storyline. At one time, readers and TV viewers were impressed to see career women who were also raising a family. As more people are taking time out to discover themselves before having children or getting married, they want to see a character that represents current lifestyles to an extent.

The world today is beginning to embrace the powers that women of all backgrounds are capable of. They can travel alone and make discoveries without the help of a man. Women in modern society can also make their own choices and not feel pressure to conform to old standards.

If anyone has a young girl in their life, they should take time out to explain how women have worked to be a better version of themselves. This does not stop at looks or having an adventurous love life but learning how to make a difference. It is in these modern stories, they can see powerful but realistic women who run things.

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