dimanche 26 août 2018

Travel Adventure Stories Blog: How To Enjoy Whale Watching Without Breaking Rules

By Gregory Sullivan

People love visiting animal viewing sites for either pleasure or for educational purposes. Some go to national parks to view wild animals while others go to oceans for whale watching. Animals as living beings should be protected from harm at all times especially when they are in their own living habitat. So you will realize that all animal viewing sites have rules that people should follow to avoid harming them. An experience to be reported on a travel adventure stories blog.

As a visitor, you are prohibited from trying to kill or harass whales, you are not even allowed to give them food. They should feel as comfortable as possible in their habitat during your visit, so avoid chasing them, even if you think you re playing with them. Don t make too much noise and never attempt to touch them. Your boat or vessel should be found free of anything that may be used to harm or capture the whales. The above-mentioned should be avoided at all costs unless if a permit has been granted.

If the whales start to dive longer or whack their tails regularly when they see you then they are probably nervous because of your presence. If they were swimming at peace with a steady pace and direction and they suddenly look confused and change that then just know that they want to be left alone and obey that.

Just like a hen protects its chicken, a whale also protects its claves. Animal parents may be a little paranoid when it comes to their young because they want no harm near them. So when you see a whale with its calves, stay away from them at all costs. Also, keep your things to yourself; that includes trash, don t dump it in the water you will be endangering lives.

It may be tempting to swim with these marine animals. However, their behavior is still under study and is not yet fully understood. For safety reasons, it is best to stay away from swimming with them no matter how tempting it may be, watching from a distance is enough.

If you follow the viewing guidelines given below then you will know what to avoid to make them comfortable. The first one is, don t rush to be at their front with your boat or to leapfrog to force an encounter. You might be tempted to turn your boat suddenly and rush towards them if they are at an opposite direction from your movement, don t do that because it will startle them. Finally, give them space.

If you are lucky you might see them approaching your boat, slow down or go into a complete halt while enjoying your view and waiting for them to pass. Make sure that they are aware of your presence by leaving the engine on.

There are some unfortunate situations whereby people take a tour of the sea and come back without having seen the whales. It has been observed that they come to certain shorelines at certain seasons of the year. Visit at the right seasons to increase your chances of seeing them.

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