vendredi 18 janvier 2019

Some Key Information About Aircraft Turbine Oil

By Helen Snyder

Right now you are either an aircraft owner or aircraft engineer thinking of doing some aircraft maintenance and upkeep. In addition you are also a staunch believer of preventive maintenance when it comes to everything mechanical or machine related. For aircraft, a key preventive maintenance component will be the use of aircraft turbine oil. If you do want to learn more about this for your preventive maintenance systems, then do finish up this article for some basic information you may need.

Aircraft airworthiness will at a majority of the time be determined by how healthy and well maintained the engine is. The health of course depends on the maintenance that must be regular as well as the use of high quality performance turbine oil. The main suppliers and manufacturers of these high quality oils are Aero Shell and Mobil, but by no means are they the only ones of high quality.

Aircraft engines, just like their counterparts in automobiles, provide the necessary means for propulsion. However, the similarity basically ends there. Car engines achieve propulsion via pistons while plane engines achieve it via turbines. This basically shows a difference in mechanical make up and thus will require a different set of oils for maintenance, performance, and upkeep. In aircraft engines propulsion is gained when turbines turn due to the immense amount of build up of highly pressurized gas caused by combustion.

Combustion for jet fuel will occur in an environment wherein high speed, high temperature and also high pressure will also occur. As such, a plane engine will require an engine oil that can adapt to this environment and conditions. The oil must also have good anti corrosion and anti wear properties on top of it having good thermal and oxidation properties.

When you are actively searching for turbine engine oil, you must get one that is suited to the kind of things your plane is being used for. That is one that is specific to your type of commercial operation. So much the better if you can also get an oil that has passed military standards and possesses military specifications. So definitely if it is good enough for the armed forces then it should be good enough for you.

If you you do not have problems with budget then you can go for a steady supply of OEM oils for your maintenance needs. OEM basically means original equipment manufacturer and it means that the engine maker of your plane also has oil which they themselves have also made. It is basically a specialty oil made specifically for that engine. In other words, if your plane engine is a Rolls Royce, then you will also buy oil made by Rolls Royce if they have manufactured as such.

In the long run it may be the most practical and best thing to buy in bulk price wise. This is particularly true if you do regular servicing across several units of aircraft and not only one. To be able to buy in bulk you must have on hand bulk storage facilities and also a supplier willing to directly deliver to you.

This this short article has shown some important aspects about turbine oil that you should know about. Try to also delve further into the many characteristics of the many different types and brands out there so you will be more informed and knowledgeable.

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