samedi 26 janvier 2019

Why Solo Women Travel Is Enjoyed

By Dorothy Foster

Women who travel are often seen by men to be a little unwise. However, one has to ask oneself why there are so many more women who are traveling. The question is why there are so many women taking these adventures and braving it out in far off places, while men decide to stay put. Solo women travel has grown over the years.

A lot of young women can't wait to finish school or college and go to countries which provide them with a sense of adventure. Sometimes, you just want to go somewhere which is off the radar. There are places in South America and Asia which are extremely beautiful, but which are very beautiful at the same time. People are very friendly and welcoming.

It is not just a case of touring around and doing what other tourists do. Of course, this is something that one can do. It can depend on the type of person that you are. However, one can also look at working adventures as well. Some women want to take a career break. They want to take a challenge and just venture out into the unknown. It can be a volunteer adventure or you may be paid for it.

This is often why it is called the university of life. You can go to university and learn about a subject of your choice. But you won't actually get to experience it in a far off place until you go there. This is a first hand experience which will provide you with many memories. There will be challenges along the way, but this is how you learn and gain confidence.

You usually stay with them in their home and become part of the family. During the day you will help them in the fields, farming or looking after the children in a daycare center. There is so much that one can choose from. You will meet other travellers as you go volunteering like this. There are also other programs which cater for single travellers where you will have your own accommodation in exchange for working somewhere.

It is important to have a basic plan every time. This is not a plan where you have a strict itinerary. However, in terms of accommodation and the area in which you are going to, it is a good idea to know more about this. It is a good idea for the budget. You obviously don't want to break the bank. Most women travellers are quite strict with their budget. They will turn to destinations which are cheaper.

You also need to make this easier on you. Today it is a lot simpler with the advancement of technology. Make sure that your phone is always charged and that you have a portable charger. You can be sure that you are able to book an Airbnb when you need to. There are times when you have to book an Uber or another taxi service as well.

One gets a lot of freedom by learning to make choices and decisions. It can be the best thing to decide to travel solo when you don't like making decisions for other people. It can be a real nuisance being held up by a travel partner. They can let you down. Often, you just want to do your own thing, and it gives you a chance to meet a range of other people.

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