mercredi 30 janvier 2019

Tips For Hang Gliding North Carolina Instructors Offer Enthusiastic Seniors

By Michelle Gray

There is a whole segment of the senior population that has no plans for slowing down in retirement. Instead they're ready to see, do, learn, and experience new things. Some of the most adventurous are excited at the prospect of soaring above the landscape protected by nothing more than wind power, a harness, and set of wings. For these seniors the hang gliding North Carolina schools offer is the dream of a lifetime.

You would not agree to be a passenger in a car with an inexperienced, unlicensed driver. Even more important you should not agree to go gliding, or take instructions on it, with just anyone. A lot of schools do their own training of instructors.

If finding the best qualified instructor interests you, you should ask what certifications the instructors have. The United States recognizes two certification programs. Instructors can get certified through the United States Hang Gliding Association or the Parachuting Association.

Do not take any risks when it comes to safety. This type of endeavor may not seem particularly risky. Most consider it a safe activity. Thousands go sailing through the air every year without any problem. That doesn't make heeding the instructions any less important however. Lessons are given in controlled environments to minimize potential risks. If you have concerns, you should take this time to voice them. If anything strikes you as wrong, whether it's the helmet or the harness, speak up.

Taking lessons with a group has several advantages. For one thing, group lessons are less expensive than private ones. Someone in the group might bring up a subject, or ask a question, that you are hesitant to do yourself. You can learn from the mistakes and successes of the other people in the group. You'll probably have a lot more fun, and might make some new friends in a group environment.

Take the instructor's advice not to look down. This will probably go against your natural instincts when you're running down a hill, gathering enough speed to get airborne. Looking down at the ground will be hard, but it is the wrong strategy to take. After you are airborne, the horizon should be your focus. If you start looking down at this point, you'll have a drop in altitude and be forced to make adjustments.

Do relax and enjoy yourself. Soaring above the landscape is supposed to be exhilarating. If you tense up, your arms and shoulders will throw you off balance. That make it harder to fly in safety. When you're relaxed, you can feel how the wind is working and flowing. You will be able to gauge the best way to control your wings. When you're tense you tend to fight the wind instead of going with it.

It should not be too cold or too hot when you go gliding. The experience will be a lot more enjoyable when you don't feel like you are going to freeze to death or get dehydrated from the heat. A safe trip requires the right kind of wind and a clear sky.

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