mercredi 11 février 2015


Canada © Jean Buet

The mythology of the Far North still has beautiful days in front of it. Forests ad infinitum, huskies, lakes per thousands, igloos, salmons going up the waterways, whales and bear, beavers, loggers and seaplanes… This imagery stereotyped (but true) of Canada was never anchored as much than today in the European spirits…
Because if there is beautiful lurette that the hitchhikers discovered Canada, for a long time they survey this other “Wild West” where draws up itself, immutable, the snow-covered barrier of the Rocky Mountains. The fir trees paper the landscapes to the borders of the Far North, where the summer a sun is shining which seems to refuse to lie down. In Canada, the man inclines himself in front of nature: he learned how to put up with his heats for better appreciating of it the savage beauty which subjugates by its vastness.
In Canada, during the winter, snow in disorder covers all the country of a padded white: one skis there to lose breath of it. Comes the spring, whose softness revives the forests. The green of chlorophyl infuses the landscapes, announcing the carpets of flowers of the summer, in mountain. On the littoral, the orcs return, surfing with touch-touches with the kayaks, while the whales cross towards Alaska. With the autumn, finally, maples and birches ignite the hills of their incandescent pallet.
On the traces of the pionniers in the ranches of Alberta or the national parks of Rock, the meeting with the Great West will be worthy of your hopes.

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