jeudi 5 février 2015

China Tourism Day

Table of Contents
1 Origins
2 holiday approval
3 statutory holidays
4 Date suggestions
5 set up on the basis of
6 theme
7 main venue
8 signs
9 Fu Wen
10 activities around
11 specific provisions
1 Origins

May 19, "China Tourism Day" is a statutory holiday in China approved by the State Council in 2011. The festival originated in the May 19, 2001, Ninghai cannabis in the name of Ninghai Xu Qin Shao travel club, the initiative to establish the "China Tourism Day" to the community, the proposed "Xu Travels" opening day of the (May 19 ) named the China tourism Day.
1983 China became a member of the World Tourism Organization; 1985, China has a year to determine the provinces as the World Tourism Day celebrations, the main venue. Since then, the tourism industry and academia there is not a country should have a talk, "China Tourism Day". [1]
In the 1987 "World Tour" article had proposed the establishment of "China Tourism Day"; in 1999 it was also inspired by the World Tourism Day will have been proposed to set up the "China Tourism Day". [1]

May 19, 2001, Zhejiang Ninghai cannabis in the name of Ninghai Xu Qin Shao travel club, the initiative to establish the "China Tourism Day" to the community: "As the tourism resources of power to a world tourism power into China, should have their anniversary tour. we propose to "Xu Travels" first paper "tour diary Tiantai Mountain" begins the day (May 19) named "China tourism Day ', to make timeless nostalgia for Xu and Memorial, incentive National People's stride into the world tourism power. "
December 1, 2009, the State Council issued "on accelerating the development of tourism" and proposed a request to set up a "China Tourism Day". December 4, 2009, the National Tourism Administration officially launched the establishment of the "China Tourism Day" related work. In the national assembly after the date of the program, competing in many areas made an application. From the initial initiated by local and private initiatives, continue to cause concern of the whole society, and finally by the relevant state agencies to start setting up the "China Tourism Day", has experienced 10 years.
December 2009, the National Tourism Administration, "China Tourism Day special collection Planning Committee" to carry out special investigations authorized by Sina on the "China Tourism Day" established date. The survey questionnaire form, with Sina
According to "collect" China Tourism Day "program announcement date" set up "China Tourism Day" is intended to strengthen the tourism promotion, develop national tourism and leisure awareness and encourage a wide range of people involved in tourism activities to enhance the quality of life for citizens, and promote the development of tourism . Specific dates selected travel date will reflect the following principles: a certain significance associated with tourism memorial, publicity; suitable for all the people on time travel and leisure; help strengthen the national tourism industry, tourism plays educational function.
2 holiday approval

In April 2011, at the National Tourism Bureau held a news conference, according to the "State Council agreed to set up a" China Tourism Day "approved" (Guo Han [2011] No. 42), since 2011, the annual May 19 "China tourism Day." Deputy director of China National Tourism Administration Zhu Shanzhong at the press conference, said the establishment of the "China Tourism Day", marking China's tourism industry is entering a better meet people's growing demand for a new era of tourism.
Zhu Shanzhong said the May 19 "Xu Travels" in the opening day identified as "China Tourism Day" in the cultural connotation closely linked with tourism. Xu is China's Ming Dynasty great traveler, geographer, historian, writer, "Xu Travels" is the systematic study of geography geology geomorphology motherland classics, but also depict Chinese tourism scenic resources giant papers, with far-reaching impact at home and abroad ; with a tour of universality in time. At that time, a time when most of the country mid-spring and late spring, the golden season of tourism; with a broad consensus on the understanding. Whether government departments, deputies and CPPCC members, or experts, ordinary people are more accepting of this date; at work have a realistic basis. Node cities "Xu tourist zone" set up "China Tourism Alliance Xia off" to carry out all kinds of celebrations in May 19.
National Tourism Administration Zhang Jian Zhong Policy and Regulation Department, in an interview, said China Tourism Day is a universal participation, universal benefit Awareness Day, Promotion Day and Development Day, statutory holidays. In 2011 the first "China Tourism Day" event on May 19 this year, Dong Liping national scenic area was identified headed "China Tourism Day" by the State Council. As China's old revolutionary base areas and the country's only national customs named to the national scenic area Liping Dong, will take this as an opportunity to develop tourism, and international standards. Its main venue initially identified in Ninghai. By then, the National Tourism Administration initiative to provide the nation's major scenic spots on the day of travel concessions for the public according to the local situation. [2]
3 statutory holidays

March 30, 2011, the State Council adopted a resolution "Xu Travels" opening day May 19 as "China Tourism Day." 2011 The first "China Tourism Day" campaign theme is "read a trip."
Character card
Ma Yuan Zhu Emei Shan Tourism Co., Ltd., the incumbent. Mount Emei Scenic helm helm nearly 20 years during Ma Yuan Zhu and his team created a key impressive "Golden height" and create a new tourist resort Emei system, a sample of the domestic tourism industry in the textbook.
Set up a "China Tourism Day" intention
The tourist industry into a strategic pillar industry
Reporter: July 19, 2011 is the first "China Tourism Day", as the tourism industry insiders, before you have had to submit a proposal on "China Tourism Day".
Ma Yuan Chu: in March 2010, during the Third Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress was held, as the Eleventh National People's Congress, after extensive research I, submitted to the General Assembly "on accelerating OK" China Tourism Day "and the set as a statutory holiday, effectively stimulating domestic demand and promoting consumption is recommended. "
Reporter: What is currently facing the tourism industry development situation? What is the impact on the economy?
Ma Yuan Chu: The current total number of domestic tourism trend of increasing year by year. Inter-ministerial coordination meeting, according to the National Holiday Tourism Office of Statistics, 2011 Spring Festival Golden Week, the national 153 million passengers were tourists, an increase of 22.7% over last year's Spring Festival Golden Week; tourism revenue 82.05 billion yuan, an increase of 27.0%. Continuation of the 2010, 2009 and the Spring Festival Golden Week highs momentum.
Tourism spending also effectively pulling the other consumer. Commerce Department's announcement shows that the 2011 Spring Festival Golden Week (New Year's Eve to the sixth month), retail stores and catering businesses achieved sales of 404.5 billion yuan, an increase of 19% compared to 2010 growth rate of 2 percent, hit a new high.
Reporter: What do you think the intention of the State to establish the "China Tourism Day"?
Ma Yuan Zhu: Currently, the state is working hard to accelerate the transformation of economic development, vigorously develop the service sector to create a favorable policy and institutional environment, and continuously improve the level of service and proportion. In this context, the State Council approved the "China Tourism Day", which is both a general trend, but also to respond to popular opinion, reflecting the state of the intention of the tourist industry into a strategic pillar industry of national economy and people more satisfied with the modern service industry.
Good use of the "China Tourism Day" signs
Become a real holidays
Reporter: In the "China Tourism Day" should be made in the industry what reaction?
Ma Yuan Chu: National Tourism Bureau spokesman advocate major scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and other tourism enterprises introduced incentives in the "China Tourism Day" to attract more people to participate in tourism activities and day trips, this initiative has been a national many scenic spots and tourism-related businesses enthusiastic response.
Reporter: Are you on the "China Tourism Day" What other suggestions?
Ma Yuan Chu: "China Tourism Day" is not a statutory holiday. In this context, all the travel deals relief measures in terms of tourists only "looks beautiful", not much substantive significance.
Therefore, the "China Tourism Day" should not only carries the responsibility of travel and tourism literacy education and guidance functions, or simply as a promotional day and a tour of the Day, it should be a real holidays, and the sabbatical Japan to form the holiday, a "mini vacation in spring and summer." Ensure that the public and the rich tourist vacation from time to divert the Spring Festival and the "October" Golden Week passenger flow, stimulating the growth of tourism and consumption-related industries.
Hopes "China Tourism Day" Development
Promote the "holiday economy" boom
Reporter: World Tourism Organization every year on September 27 identified as "World Tourism Day", the European Union and the Caribbean also has regional Tourism Day. Japan, Georgia, Tunisia and other countries have a national tourism day. What do you think, "China Tourism Day"?
Ma Yuan Chu: Throughout history holiday practice of reform since the reform and opening up, we can see that not only did not increase the holidays bring stagnation and obstruction to the Chinese economy, on the contrary, 10 years maintained a sustained and rapid growth. Although China's annual vacation days reached 115 days, but in the world only at the middle level, especially compared with the developed countries in the world tourism industry, there are still a wide gap.
France is the largest country in the world holidays a year, a Frenchman at least 186 days a year holiday, which became the world's first tourist destination it is not unrelated. In the work pressure and work intensity is relatively large, far less than China's labor resources in Japan, at the festival include the statutory holiday, paid leave after comprehensive calculation of paid annual leave, statutory holidays have at least a few days more than the domestic one week or more.
Therefore, based on the existing 115 days total on holiday, and then increase the "China Tourism Day" statutory holiday, the probability to have a material negative impact on the economy of small, on the contrary, the possibility of generating a very positive role in promoting great.
"China Tourism Day" hit the workday, officials proposed to be located tourism golden week
Just past the first working day hit China Tourism Day, how many people will go to tourism? Tourism Day can not travel, which is also called the Tourism Day it? Today, Taizhou Tiantai County Propaganda Department Vice Minister Lin Gan a country "on the" China Tourism Day "as an opportunity to set up a" "recommended" Golden Week tourism letter to the State Department in the hope that people really enjoy the benefits brought by China Tourism Day .
The first China Tourism Day not to travel
May 19, 2010, the first "China Tourism Day", you go to travel it? The reporter then investigated in 10 people in eight people said no, only two elderly usual, the West Lake walk. The reason people do not travel that day hit tourism business days.
"Tourism Day Many discount attraction tickets, if encountered weekend out of play. Unfortunately encounter days, have work hard." Chen said the people, can not travel Tourism Day, Tourism Day still do?
Miss Chang Tourism Day is spent at work, which she also rolled depressed after May 19. "2012 Saturday, 2013 Sunday, 2014 Monday, 2015 Tuesday, 2016 Thursday, 2017 Friday, 2018 Saturday ......" hit at least four years before the rest day. "Miss Zhang sigh.
There are a lot of people make, Tourism Day only one day is too short, can only play in the vicinity of Hangzhou, where the far point you want to play certainly not.
China's holiday is not over
Lin said the country dry, chose May 19, 2010 as "China Tourism Day" with Xu relevant, this day is the real beginning of Xu tourism practices. "And Xu able to go down in history, the reason is that 'Miles ya levy' tourism practices."
"Establishment" China Tourism Day 'aims to strengthen tourism promotion, training national tourism and leisure awareness, enhance national quality of life, and promote the development of tourism. "Lin country dry," said Tourism Day "is the most basic way to celebrate tourism, and tourism is fun tourism Action and experience feelings.
Chinese citizens annual vacation days is 115 days. "From a global perspective, China's holiday is not over." Lin country dry for example, developed countries such as the sum of the German holiday more than 150 days, in developing countries such as India officially recognized holidays more than 120 days a year.
Lin country dry, said Tourism Day only as a Promotion Day propaganda without making a statutory holiday, one can not have a holiday tour, not only can not reflect the characteristics of "Tourism Day", but may be a lip service to, will gradually be forgotten, can not be achieved without the purpose of the people to awaken awareness of tourism and leisure.
Recommended the establishment of tourism golden week
How to play the role of "China Tourism Day" in it? Lin said the country dry, only to become a tourism Tourism Day holiday, the same set up as the National Day "Golden Week", in order to reflect the characteristics of tourism.
In the dry forest country mind, have two options, but also trendy to like a good network terms. The first program is May 19, 2010 -21: "5.19" to "I want to swim"; "May 20" to "I love you" (romantic travelers); "May 21" for the "I love the tour."
The second program is May 18, 2010 -20 days: "May 18" to "I want to send" - starting; "5.19" to "I want to swim" - tourism; "May 20" for "I love you" - love humanity, love of landscape, love travel.
. "Before and after the weekend together to form a 'golden week' If we can set up the Golden Week, there are three golden weeks a year, each focusing on, complement each other," said Lin country dry, happy home for Spring Festival, is a traditional cultural festival; tourism gold Zhou, is a modern holiday Minsheng; and National Day, is a political festival.
Lin said the country dry, established from 1999 reform of holiday "Golden Week" historical practice shows that not only does not increase the holidays bring economic stagnation and obstruction to the contrary, 10 years of sustained growth. "Additional three days of statutory holidays should be appropriate and feasible."
4 Date suggestions

March 29, 2010 (Xu first travel day)
Jiangsu Jiangyin growing historical and cultural celebrities Xu, known as "China Tourism first person."
In the proposed National Tourism Administration received, Wuxi Xu proposed travel date (for the first time to travel from home March 29, 2010, or the Lunar "March 3") as China Tourism Day. Wuxi Tourism Bureau official said, regardless of the country for what the final conclusion, "China Tourism Day" will reflect the "national recreation" of the new concept.
Jiangyin declared "March 29" to "China Tourism Day", rather origins. 1607 of March 29, Xu Sheng water from Jiangsu Jiangyin Bridge River starting Bashansheshui more than thirty years, travels to the motherland 19 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of mountains and rivers, leaving a great scientific value "Xu Travels . "From the time in terms of the annual March 29, just after the Awakening of Insects, Qingming in sight, on the occasion of spring, that people have to go traveling, into the nature of a great season.
January 9, 2010, "Xia off hometown" Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, held a press conference in Beijing, the official declaration of the "Tour holy" Xu travel day for the first time March 29 as "China Tourism Day." Jiangsu Province Xu Research Council, China Tourism Alliance Xia off 30 cities, Jiangyin People's Government initiative will first travel Xu Day "March 29," the establishment of the "China Tourism Day." "Our first initiative to Xu, 3 · 29 trips to China Tourism Day, is more emphasis on a 'tour' word." Jiangyin Wang Xinan mayor said at the meeting, an important time Xu legendary life is March 29, this day he took 34 years, hell and high water to explore the mysteries of nature, study topography, understand humanities customs, the first step in the spread of cultural exchanges, and thus leaving the ages Masterpieces "Xu Travels." So the 3 · 29 is set to "China Tourism Day", best embodies the Chinese spiritual connotation. Deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau Yuan Ding spoke at the meeting, proposed in 2010 built the first nationwide tour province goal. Hope Jiangyin travel to 3 · 29 declare China Tourism Day as an opportunity to actively create a highly developed area of tourism development and demonstration pilot cities cities. Xu Xu Zhenqing tenth World posterity, read the declaration at the meeting on behalf of the written proposal calling for the establishment of the "China Tourism Day" on March 29.
December 26, 1893 (the date of the birth of Mao Zedong)
In early 2010, Hunan Provincial Tourism Bureau official to the National Tourism Bureau, the request will be the date of birth of Mao Zedong as China Tourism Day, and sets out ten reasons. China Hunan Tourism Day proposal also triggered a heated debate.
Hunan Provincial Tourism Bureau listed the top ten reasons are: First, the founder of New China, Mao Zedong is no new China, there would be no new China tour. Second, the date of the birth of Mao Zedong as China Tourism Day, is conducive to better motivate people to Mao Zedong and other proletarian revolutionaries of nostalgia and inspire people for the Communist Party of China for the new hot subject, give full play to the educational function of tourism . Third, China Tourism Day, once identified, will become a statutory holiday. The most prominent leaders of foreign countries in a birthday or anniversary of the death are to be a holiday. Mao Zedong's birthday as China Tourism Day, is conducive to vacations and China Tourism Day to commemorate the birth of Mao Zedong together. Fourth, Mao Zedong's birthday is December 26, "12.26" and "invites you to travel." Homonym. Five, Mao Zedong's birthday approaching New Year's Day, the birthday of Mao Zedong as China Tourism Day, New Year's Day holiday in favor of boosting tourism promotion. Six, "confident life two hundred years, when the water would hit three thousand miles," Mao upbeat personality traits and physical pleasure travel to seek aesthetic qualities exactly. Seven Long March of the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Zedong carried out, the road is mostly scenic beauty of the resort, like many places have become tourist attractions. Eight, as the founder of New China Mao Zedong personally created many tourist scenic spots, especially Shaoshan, xibaipo tourist attractions such as the world-renowned red for Chinese tourism has made an outstanding contribution. Nine, Mao was a great man with a world reputation. With his date of birth as China Tourism Day will help to attract foreign tourists. Ten, the date of birth of Mao Zedong as China Tourism Day, is conducive to better guide the masses of tourism, promote the rapid development of tourism.
September 27 (World Tourism Day)
December 7, 2009 to 9, China Tourism News and Media Research Laboratory, Tsinghua University to discuss the establishment of the "China Tourism Day" launched a three-day joint investigation. Investigate the use of its own laboratory research NetTouch network platform, to the National NetTouch client user random questionnaires, copies of the final 1204 valid questionnaires, covering 31 provinces and autonomous regions. The results show that a large number of public favor, "China Tourism Day" was established in September 27, that is, with the "World Tourism Day" unity. Since 1985, every year to determine a province, autonomous region or municipality for the World Tourism Day celebrations in the main venue. But it was also noted that since the time the proposed establishment of the "China Tourism Day", naturally differ with the World Tourism Day, the date selected this hope should be minimal.
May 20 (Tiantai Mountain Tourism Day)
China Tourism Day from Tiantai Mountain "Xu Travels" opening "Tiantai Mountain Tour Diary":. "The March Guichou dark (AD May 19, 1613)" "Because," China Tourism Day "and China's Ming Dynasty great trip home, geographers, historians, writers Xu related.
Three days of lunar month (folk traditional spring outing tour, but also a number of traditional festivals of ethnic minorities, the climate suitable for travel)
Qingming (spring, rebirth, suitable outing)
(For the time most people travel the country, but also easy to organize all types of tourism and leisure activities) and clear, "51", the Dragon Boat Festival and other holidays adjacent day weekend
June 6 or June 16 (homonym for "a walk" or "a walk", easy to remember, most of the country is appropriate tourism)
July 5 (July 5, 1980, Deng Xiaoping visited Emeishan had made important instructions, "Since then, the pace of construction Emeishan tourism began, has become an internationally renowned tourist attractions.")
July 15 (July 15, 1979, Comrade Deng Xiaoping visited Huangshan, and delivered an important speech on the development of tourism, marking the Chinese tourism industry to reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping's "Huangshan talk" On the development of Chinese modern tourism Road)
September 28th (birthday of Confucius, and the arrangement after the World Tourism Day, the concept is easy to expand)
And the Mid-Autumn Day weekend adjacent (in line with the traditional autumn climbing fall camp, easy to organize tours Day weekend)
October 5 (during a time when the "Eleventh" holiday October 5, 1983 China joined the World Tourism Organization, and, to facilitate the travel day and tourism activities)
5 set up on the basis of

China Tourism Day from Tiantai Mountain "Xu Travels" opening "tour Tiantaishan mind": "The March Guichou dark (AD May 19, 1613), a self Ninghai Simon Day Long scattered clouds, light mountain of man, all pregnant state. "" Xu Travels "opens with a short 24 word, left a cultural tourism treasures. Because "China Tourism Day" and China's Ming Dynasty great traveler, geographer, historian, writer Xu relevant, open "Xu Travels", the first chapter is "Tiantai Mountain Tour Diary." Xu 30 years, traveling throughout half of China, wrote many travels. During which he visited three times Tiantai Mountain, and wrote "Tiantai Mountain Tour Diary" and "Tour Diary Tiantai Mountain" after two Travels. Before the article is that he is forty-one years of Ming Dynasty (1613) into the Tiantai Mountain, Tiantai Mountain is written after a tour. After a lapse of twenty years of his, he again, more detailed exploration of the Tiantai Mountain water. He revisited huadingense, Zhu Shiliang after wins, halfway to the Hill, and then carefully inspected retrace rooftop Southwest King wrote. And in its most essential "Xu Travels" in these two travels are incorporated into them. A land incorporated into two, in "Xu Travels" in Tiantai Mountain only other three places. More worth mentioning is that the "Tiantai Mountain Tour Diary" impressively edited in "Travels," the first paper, as for the opening of the visible, Tiantaishan sublime "Tour Saint" status in the eyes of the.
Back in 2000, Ninghai County on the proposal of the "Xu Travels" opening day of May 19 identified as "China Tourism Day." "The first to propose the establishment of 'China Tourism Day' is Ningbo." Deputy director of the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Tourism, said Chen Min constitution.
Ninghai County on May 19, 2002 to January 2010, held for the 7th "Chinese Xu open swim section." In the national assembly after the date of the program, Ninghai has formally as a candidate to the National Tourism Administration Date filed an application on May 19.
There are two reasons, as the Ming Dynasty outstanding travel explorer, geographer and writer geology, Xu last 34 years exploring the mountains and rivers, and wrote, "Xu Travels", a nation worthy of the "holy tour." Secondly, the research, May 19 is Simon Xu departure from Ninghai, clear day in recorded history. Opening in the phrase "self Ninghai out Simon, scattered clouds Day Long, of man mountain light, all pregnant state" is in the May 19 wrote.
2007 and 2008, representatives from Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces and 12 cities in 7 on tour with Xu Cooperation Summit, jointly signed the "Declaration on Tourism Cooperation" Xu tourism zone "." jointly called for "Xu Travels" opening day "May 19" as "China tourism Day."
March 17, 2008, Zhejiang Tourism Bureau specially letter to the National Tourism Administration, asked to identify "May 19" to "China Tourism Day."
June 16, 2008, convened by the National Tourism Administration, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and leaders of relevant departments; tin, Ninghai County Tourism Bureau, there are a number of experts and scholars, held a "China Tourism Day" demonstration in Beijing. Most experts believe that the meeting in order to "Xu Travels" in the opening day, ie May 19, or the third Sunday in May as "China Tourism Day" is more appropriate. They said that China Tourism Day Select "May 19", just Xu lofty status, while taking into account China's vast territory, north and south of the fact that huge differences in climate, May 19, regardless of East and West, are suitable to go golden season of tourism.
February 12, 2009, Zhejiang Province held a Tourism Development Conference, the National Tourism Bureau and the Bureau of Zhejiang Province signed a memorandum of close cooperation mechanism, which is referred to, the National Tourism Administration supported the opening day, "Xu Travels" in the May 19 Japan identified as "China tourism Day." [3]
March 30, 2011, the State Council passed a resolution formally established China National Tourism Day, the time is determined to May 19. This day is "Xu Travels" in the opening day, also held in Ninghai "China Ninghai Xu open swim section" days per year. The May 19 identified as "China Tourism Day", Ninghai has called for a full 10 years.
March 30, 2011 morning, the State Council executive meeting adopted a resolution "Xu Travels" opening day May 19 as "China Tourism Day."
China Tourism Day determined to be after May 19, to celebrate this special day, Ninghai in May 19, 2011 free of charge on the basis of all scenic, May 18, 2011, on the 20th, visitors can travel free in Ninghai . And after a year of May 18, the 19th, the 20th will be open three days are free. [4]
6 theme

2011 The first China Tourism Day's theme: "read a trip."
2012 Second China Tourism Day's theme: "Healthy Living, Happy tourism."
2013 "China Tourism Day" theme: "Casual Huimin, beautiful China." [5]. [6]
7 main venue

2011 The first "China Tourism Day" is the main venue in "Xu Travels" in the opening of the land in Zhejiang Ninghai County. Has begun extensive collection of signs "China Tourism Day", the slogan of specific activities program is also under development. [7]
Holiday at the National Tourism Administration Director Shen Hong said later, "China Tourism Day" in the main venue, the provinces will likely take "paries" form, since 2012 in addition to the main venue for events will be held in some routine activities in the country, specific programs were being developed. [7]
The first China Tourism Day main venue (Zhejiang Ninghai) activities include: China Tourism Day celebration and open the ninth China Xu Yu Festival Opening Ceremony; "read a trip," one hundred college students look for Xu footprint activities; National Assembly camping; Xia re-take the country by car off road launching ceremony; Chinese carpentry (ancient stage) cultural Forum; fourth Chinese contemporary Xu contest; three Gulf Cooperation Forum; China tourism day and open swim large sections theme party; large-scale music fireworks show.
In May 2012, to "love travel, love life" as the theme of the second session of the "China Tourism Day" the main venue for events scheduled on the 19th in the hometown of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, Xia off started about 2,000 domestic and foreign tourist groups will attend the opening of the Golden Age. Meanwhile, the National Tourism Bureau Tourism Day theme of this launch event scheduled in Zhangjiajie, Hunan held the event will not only appear together thousands of people jump Waving Dance spectacle, and public outreach activities including China Tourism Day, held in Changsha Window major travel companies launched a series of measures that benefit, will be based views "China tourism day" grace.
China Tourism Day rooftop venue
May 19, "China Tourism Day" event held in Zhejiang rooftop venue, the venue is one of the "China Tourism Day" activities of the two venues. The event is organized by the National Tourism Bureau, Zhejiang Province People's Government, Zhejiang Tourism Bureau, Taizhou People's Government, Taizhou City Tourism Bureau, Tiantai county government contractors to perform. Leaders at all levels after the National Tourism Administration deputy party secretary, deputy director of the Wang-fat, deputy governor of Zhejiang Province Wang Man, Zhejiang Tourism Bureau Zhao Jinyong, Communist Party Secretary Chen Tiexiong Taizhou, etc. as well as 130 foreign news media reporters, national hundred photographers, Xu people, tourists, local cadres and masses of nearly 2,000 people attended the ceremony.
It is understood that, "Xu Travels" first article that "Tiantai Mountain Tour Diary", May 19 is starting to swim Xu Tiantai days of his life, three trips Tiantai Mountain, wrote two travel. Tiantai Mountain is a national key scenic spots, Buddhism and Taoism Tiantai Sect founder, a "living Buddha" that Monk was born here, and its cultural influence to Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the United States.
At the launch ceremony, Wang hair, Zhao Jinyong, Chen Tiexiong rooftops and Communist party secretary Li Zhijian Xia off the trail to the monument unveiling, Wang Jian, vice governor of Zhejiang Province announced over 2011, "China Tourism Day '' read a trip, heavy Xia go off road "campaign began, 519 high school students from the rooftop of the composition of" 5.19 "and" Tiantai Mountain, "Xu reciting the words" Tiantai Mountain tour diary. "After the meeting, Xu descendants, some reporters and photographers, and students around the "ALICE" re-take the Xia off the trail.
8 signs

After the National Tourism Administration of April 12, 2011 release of the information to establish the "China Tourism Day", has aroused strong repercussions in the whole society, the people warmly welcomed the participation of all citizens benefit all tourist Awareness Day, to promote the establishment and development of Japan Day. To enhance understanding of the whole society on tourism, and enhance awareness of the national tourism guide and encourage people to actively participate in tourism activities, the National Tourism Administration on April 12 in the "China Tourism News" China Tourism, Sina and other media published "on the open call" China tourism Day "logo, slogan design image of announcement," Call for the whole of society, "China tourism Day" logo and the "China tourism Day" image slogan. [8]
Notice has been the community's positive response and support. As of April 21, 2011 12:00 noon, received a total of natural persons, legal persons, organizations from all 27 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) contributions of nearly 1,300. The "China Tourism Day" slogan over 2800, marking more than 100 pieces. [8]
China Tourism Day logo
China Tourism Day Flag (1)
To promote the establishment of national significance, "China Tourism Day", April 12-May 2, the National Tourism Administration conducted extensive collection of the whole society, "China Tourism Day" logo and image slogan activities. Call for a positive response by the public, in just 21 days time, the applicant received a total of nearly 4000 letters, including: the image of more than 420 pieces of logo design, slogan over 7000 pieces. Submitted works mainly from 29 provinces, Taiwan and Canada. Largest contributor age 83 years, minimum 19 years, mostly as a contributor students, teachers, civil servants and retirees, tourism practitioners also accounted for a certain proportion.
After screening, expert review, revise and improve the work areas, currently determine the "China Tourism Day" image advertising slogan is "love traveling, love life" [9], which is the solicitation of a higher turnout slogan . Slogan is simple and bright, loud and powerful, catchy, high-level overview of the "China Tourism Day" theme concept, advocated for more people to get out and broad participation in tourism activities, improve the quality of life. "China Tourism Day" logo is an art teacher in Changchun City, Jilin Province basis of submitted works, after the formation of the professional bodies to revise and improve.
Main mascot logo from Oracle's "journey" words and seal the traditional art. Seal the outer contour of the Oracle "trip" the word of deformation and square, highlighting the Chinese traditional culture and modern tourism development of relations "root" and "plant" for the "China Tourism Day" into a more distinctive cultural features, in the continuation of tradition the essence of traditional Chinese culture at the same time, creating a new visual imagery, in line with the growing needs of modern aesthetic, reflecting the continuous progress of social civilization. Distorted "trip" the word vividly depict a thriving tourist scene: a banner under the guidance of a team of visitors are orderly, excitedly walk in the wonderful journey. It has a strong figurative and symbolic significance, highlighting the "China Tourism Day" theme and core, guide and encourage the public to actively participate in tourism, the concept of "China Tourism Day" appeal and influence. At the same time, the deformation of the Oracle "trip" the word implies "5.19" This set of figures, further emphasized the date "China Tourism Day", so that "China Tourism Day" is more popular.
Use of blue-green color, not only bright, strong visual impact, but also deal with gradual transition so that the two main colors natural integration and harmonious atmosphere. Blue for sky, green for nature, a symbol of China's booming tourism vigor and vitality, as well as China's tourism advocated green, green, harmonious, civilized development of the spirit and philosophy. At the same time, the deformation of "trip" the word evolution Visitors walking in the sky green, but also reflects the Chinese people since ancient times, the pursuit of nature and man, man and nature in harmony realm of life, in harmony with today's environmentally conscious, it is particularly precious.
Marked on the official script font with a Chinese tradition of "China Tourism Day" and English Arial body "China Tourism Day" in Chinese and English bilingual, in highlighting the "China Tourism Day" from the Chinese traditional culture, but also demonstrates the Chinese tourism international vision and modern development concept.
Entire logo modeling prudent, clever and creative, bright colors, vivid tourism theme, date deep, with a strong cultural flavor and distinctive appeal.
9 Fu Wen

May 19, 2011 the first "China Tourism Day" is approaching, the mainland after 80 famous portrait by one writer Zhang wrote "China Tourism Fu" express joy, Fu coherent informative text reads as follows:
Chinese tourism Fu
Text / Zhang eleven
Said China, said China, said China, Jie Yan China; said travel, said tour, said hiking tour all means. Olympic eyebrows Expo wings, called China the world's attention; press release work, life and leisure, to teach people to meet tourism. Beijing, Shandong, Jiangsu, Hunan, is necessary to travel to China; Italy, France, Spain, the United States, in order to exceed the Chinese tourism.

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