lundi 21 mai 2018

Here Are Facts About Airplane Interiors

By Deborah Wagner

The aerospace industry is one of the largest industries in the economy of the world. The rate at which the industry is expanding is mind-blowing and it is expected to continue doing so in the foreseeable future. The number of planes produced by major manufacturers seems to grow each year as research indicates that more and more people are using planes to travel today.

As the aerospace industry grows, associated industries like plane interior grow along with it. In general, plane interior industry is one of the industries that are growing very fast. Airplane interiors are being modified and improved every day so as to improve safety of people on the plane. The safety of modern planes are an attraction to more people as number of people using planes to travel across the world seems to grow with each day that passes.

Firstly, the interior of planes is made of lightweight materials. Light materials are used so as to reduce the general weight supported by the plane. Even though, the materials are designed to be lightweight they are equally strong to provide the required service besides being durable. In addition, the lightweight materials help a lot in reducing the amount of fuel consumed by the plane. This is essentially crucial in consideration of the fact that the price of aircraft fuel rises continuously.

The interior of planes are usually well lit to ensure that passengers and the crew onboard have an easy time moving around. The lights are usually placed in various places to achieve this. However, in most cases, the lights are placed on the ceiling of the plane. When the plane is landing, lights are usually dimmed by the crew so that the eyes of the passengers can get accustomed to the dim light in case of an emergency landing.

To make sure that passengers are comfortable, smooth and soft materials are used to cushion seats in planes. Synthetic leather tends to be the most widely used material even though other materials are in use as well. Most parts of the chair that the passenger comes in contact with are cushioned, including armrests, headrests, the seat, and backrests. Footrests are made using metal because of the manner in which they are used.

Today, manufacturers in the aerospace industry struggle with the need of making more space for passengers. Part of attending to this problem includes increasing the size of luggage spaces and chairs. The aim of doing this is to ensure more private space to passengers. However, the need to accommodate more passengers usually counteracts the need for increasing personal space.

Planes are designed with oxygen masks for use during emergency situations. For instance, in case there is a problem with the air recycling system on the plane, passengers would have a hard time breathing. To solve this problem, cabins are designed with oxygen masks that passengers can use until the problem has been resolved or the plane has landed.

Finally, passengers in a plane are kept warm by the presence of temperature regulators. Room temperature is often a comfortable heat level for most people and so that cabins are kept at that temperature. However, in case there is need, the temperatures can always be heightened or reduced at any time.

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