jeudi 24 mai 2018

The Proper Application Of Medium Intensity Tower Lighting Today

By Robert Long

The industrialization on human activity and the environment had begun to manifest its negative effects, one of is excessive light. As industries began to expand, the quality and range of their communication are being developed, resulting to the towers being built to satisfy that need. These towers need to go by the standards established by the government to mitigate the excessive light these towers may produce, resulting to the application of medium intensity tower lighting.

The use of excessive light in structures, which will lead to light pollution, will lead to the destruction of the environment that will eventually affect human beings. Using too much light constitutes a waste of energy that can lead to higher costs in money, not only for individuals but to industries as well. With the higher demand of energy, environmental sources of energy will be exploited until exhaustion and the exhaustion of these sources can lead to unfavorable living conditions of human beings.

Medium intensity lighting system is preferable for towers that are 700 feet above the ground level or maybe less. The operation of this system can be done during the daytime and evening. The height of the structure is a criterion of how many levels are to be recommended, which consists of appurtenances, like rods or antennas, of a tower, mentioned below are the typical levels and what to consider on each level.

The proper application on the top levels of a tower. One or multiple lights are to be installed at the highest point to provide coverage in all angles which ensures an unobstructed view by a pilot approaching the tower from any direction. With the correct lights on this level, air traffic will be mitigated.

Appurtenances 40 feet or maybe less. If antennas, or rods or any appurtenance in this level is not capable of supporting this light system, then it may be placed at the base. If pilots flying on this altitude still experience obstructed views, then it is considered to mount additional light units.

Preferences for appurtenances that are 40 feet and above. If appurtenances, may it be antennas or rods, exceeds forty feet above the tip of the structure, the lights shall be situated forty feet from the tip of an appurtenance. If it is not able to support the units, equipping the power with a pole with a one or more lights mounted to it shall be installed adjacently.

The proper applications on the lowest levels. The light units on this level must be installed above the surrounding terrain, trees or buildings. This will allow the light to be penetrated through the skies without obstruction.

Of course, installing proper marking and lighting will depend on the terrain features, weather patterns, and location of the structure. The correct marking and lighting of towers are not to be taken lightly. Every applied standard are meant to produce an acceptable level of aviation safety.

The establishment of these standards by the government was put up to safeguard the comfort and security of its citizens and the world they are living in. Each regulation is to safeguard not only those who are flying but those who are traversing in the ground, as well. The value of human existence and longevity through movements that promote to lessen light pollution must be a top priority of companies who are erecting towers in accordance to their need in thriving in world of technological advancements today.

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