samedi 11 août 2018

Pilots Have Emergency Parachute For Safety Purposes

By Stephanie Jones

Man has always wanted to be a bird. It if were possible to grow wings and fly on its own, it would. But sadly the body is not built for flight. Unlike the birds the human bones are solid and heavy. The pectoral muscles could not have lifted if it did not jump. That is why when a body descends from the sky he has to have an emergency parachute.

Even in ancient times the creature called man had the capacity to exploit what was present in the environment. The large brain developed over eons of evolution and the capacity to think became enhance. This led to tool making. The earliest known tools were made of broken rock whose sharpened edges were used to cut meat.

The use of stone implements to carved meat from dead animals happened in the timeframe mentioned above. Finds of actual tools date back from as far as what have been mentioned. The hand axe was the first recognizable tool. This is relevant as this already was a modification of stone grasped directly by hand. The tool had a handle that gave it more leverage.

People by nature like to explore. The spirit of adventurism is ingrained it its psyche. The flight of a bird has enthralled man from the time it was observed. This dream of flight encouraged mankind to think of methods that can make an individuals fly. Human flight was first achieved with the use of balloons. This was a result of hot air rush inside light containers that did not burn.

At around the renaissance time a certain famous scientist made sketches of what looked like a helicopter. This will give insight to the minds of the people of that time. Flight was a constant goal that mankind hoped to achieve. Several attempts were made that resulted in failure after failure. However, this did not stop it from trying to find ways to make it happen.

Almost all objects are heavier than air. Gravity has the tendency to pull objects that are large. The force is actually the weight of the person. Lighter than air elements were used for the successful ascension of man unto the skies. Hydrogen and helium were pumped into huge dirigibles that became the first carriers of people across oceans through the air.

Continuous technological breakthroughs have made possible the production of the modern aircraft, both the fixed wing and the rotary winged. Composite materials are now used to form parts of an airplane. The most common material though is aluminum. Airplanes have redundant systems so much so that the risk of crashes is very minimal. But when it happens a safety gadget has to be on hand.

The modern chute descended from a crude device made of wooden spokes hooded by fabric. Legend has it that the umbrella was the first form of chute and this happened when a man jumped of a building to safety using bamboo umbrella. The veracity of this legend cannot be proven though. Nevertheless the chute does resemble an umbrella.

Para gliding is a fun sport that enthusiast enjoy. Some jump off cliffs and glide away with the air currents. These have controls that are harnessed to a person who pulls and tugs at it. Others prefer to jump out of airplanes in groups and form magnificent aerial maneuvers. With people can now land safely on two feet. The main material used for chutes is silk.

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