mercredi 20 août 2014

A trip to Chicago the birthplace of cinema ..


Chicago is the birthplace of cinema and the global film icon; where city located in the state of Illinois filming the first at the beginning of the twentieth century, was opened Isani studios in this city before becoming a Hollywood hub for the international film industry a long period.

He has lived Global Star Charlie Chaplin in the city of Chicago and also filmed some of his works out. The tour guide explained that it was John Bobick big stars in the film industry here; where he filmed three movies in six months, but quickly returned to Los Angeles because of the extreme cold in this city.

Even today, most movies are filmed in the modern city of Chicago in the studios Sen Spice. He attributed the tour guide that the reasons for purely materialistic; where he confirmed that the production of the film in the Chicago production is much cheaper than in New York or Los Angeles; due to the low wages and behind the camera. In addition to the large number of representatives in the city of Chicago, of which there are more than 200 theater.

Cultural Center 

Begins tour of the cultural center of the city, which was used once as a library, but has been exploiting this building in different roles in many films, where he appeared in a film like a court building in the others Khah city, and this is the beauty of movies. And mythological scenes in the film when he was Outcasts Global Star Robert De Niro running to come down on the steps of the Cultural Center.

There are many filming locations no longer exist now; where replaced by giant skyscrapers, which appear in abundance in most modern films. The makers of the Batman movie The Dark Knight Batman creates a home in the lobby of the center of Illinois Center Fest, and the ground floor has been installed screens on the windows, in order to appear as a penthouse apartment. Also played skyscrapers in the city of Chicago a major role in the movie Transformers; where it was blown up and blow the tops of these high-rise buildings, and fortunately, these bombings were by special visual effects.

Tunnel Walker Drive 

It is usual in the city of Chicago that is closed streets and roads throughout the day to shoot a film, including a tunnel and Walker Drive, which runs along the Chicago River River. This tunnel has seen many wild chases and explosions countless. Of course this is the filming locations of the elements of the attractions of the city, but it is a nuisance to local residents often.

The headquarters of the Wrigley Company for the manufacture of chewing gum months of buildings in Chicago, it may be the beginning of the end, the film production in 1957 has all but forgotten, but it is full of monster climbing scene on the outer walls of the Wrigley Building. But this scene was, in fact, was a cheap visual effects, where the animals are pasted on the pictures and photographed, for reasons related to lower production costs of films at the time. The course is considered Millennium Park in Chicago within any program tourist to visit the filming locations movies; where appeared here many spaceships within the events of the movie Transformers 3 emerged as the "gate-Sahab" giant, which appears in the form of a bridge silvery large, in many films ; where I waited international star Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves hero here during the events of the movie "lake house."

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