mardi 26 août 2014

Germany's important tourist landmarks

Germany's important tourist landmarks
Are more diverse countries in Europe in ruins, where you'll find the very old historical era, and the magnificence of industrial progress and its impact in many aspects, and scenic places in the wonderful countryside made ​​famous by T. Europe,

Rugen Cliffs slope Ritjon 

In the northeastern part of the island of Rügen is located cliffs famous in this region, which is famous for Surface Area extended from vast forests, and the highest cliffs that are exposed to erosion of the Baltic Sea, but still attract them a lot of tourists, especially the highest peak of this slope, which reaches a height of 118 meters and dubbed "King chair"

Romantic Rhine River Rhine romantic 

In order to enjoy a tour of romance you have to take them into the Rhine River as it connects the hills covered generosity and a number of castles and monuments that make enchanting scene.

Church of Our Lady in two lessons Frauenkirche 

It is the church that attest to the mental German distinctive, Valbergm she had been demolished during World War II, but the Personal German refused to disappear one Almaam mission in learners, they reopened the building of the church in accordance with the plans of the original have developed in 1720 and was re-opened in 2005 to become more churches attractive for tourists in Germany.

Lindau Landau 

The peninsula is a distinct border between the Austrian and the German and Swiss in the eastern part of Lake Constance, and includes many of the buildings, which is dominated by the character of Alkaroon Central, and two sons, old-fashioned wooden half.

Hldembrg ancient city of Heidelberg Old City 

The character of the old German style and was able to keep all the features without being the collapse of the long lot of German cities during World War II, and most famous landmarks where Castle Hilldberg.

Festival Munich Oktoberfest 

Cultural festival attracts more than 6 million visitors and curious he called the Festival in October, and although the official date him at the end of September, and it appears a lot of the German tradition, for example, the German traditional cuisine.

Cologne Cathedral Cologne Cathedral 

Is the largest Gothic cathedral in Germany, have the character of an old historic building with a distinct architecture, talking about the era in which it has set in, and it appears in Aajazha persevere even violate rebuilt after 600 years

Learn more about Germany

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