mercredi 27 août 2014

Ifrane, Middle Atlas: if you were in the Alpes.

Ifrane, located at an altitude of 1650 meters, which by the way the European villas, country recovery in the summer and snow in winter, a very different place ...

Moroccan surprise 
Ski race in Morocco 
That come to Ifrane in the summer is a real pleasure. As you can find where the bounce and greenery and houses built European style; They are a unique place in the paper and pulsing unexpected. In the winter, you will have the joy of skating on soft snow skiing Ttxoa pathways in Michleven not far to 15 minutes for Ifrane across the road.

Inhalation, a sense of
Lake Ifrane 
Ifrane station will never Tnsoha, it will remind you of some Swiss villages! It is also the perfect place for your activity in the highest Tstaidoa. When solved beautiful days Tenshoa near the source of Vettel and waterfalls under the shade of poplar and maple. And is available on the National Mtenshaa one of the largest cedar trees in the world, where there Ststqublkm monkeys Tlhoa in craftiness accustomed to visitors. And replete with lakes and streams to fish trout and Alzengeor, Beware ya mean Vltzmawa fishing enthusiasts!

Ski and Escape 
In winter, the station offers you Michlifen tracts covered with snow where they can perform amazing trips in nature can not be Tsouro presence in North Africa. And wildlife lovers will love the natural diversity of the local Muftonon Periods prehistoric Vsergbon inevitably visit sites still bear witness to human existence since the Neolithic Kmgarh Tezgit for example. The snipers Vsisabakon to the area in search of the many numbers of rabbits and wild boar and partridge birds.


Whatever Chapter Vafran wonderful surprise awaits you. Recovery brings activity in the summer and snow-clad slopes in winter and landscapes and wild animals are protected, it is a gem Hvivah.

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