dimanche 17 août 2014

Visit Istanbul and unavoidable - What does it see in Istanbul?

What to see in Istanbul? What are the unmissable sites? Istanbul experienced two great empires (Byzantium and Constantinople old) harbors thousand human and architectural treasures and take at least a week's stay to start being tamed

Visit Istanbul: the inevitable websites
Blue Mosque or Sultan Ahmet Mosque
Known and internationally recognized to possess six minarets; it is located in the heart of the tourist district of the city, where shirts and shorts abound in summer ... It takes its name from the blue tiles of Iznik ceramics that decorate its walls. SAINTE SOPHIE (Aya Sofya) The Istanbul symbol. Symbol of the power of the Eastern Roman Empire, but also that of the Ottoman Empire, the sultan-conqueror was a mosque in 1453 Hagia Sophia was, for nearly a thousand years the largest sanctuary of the Christian world and was second only to St. Peter's in Rome in the sixteenth century. The four minarets lighten a bit heavy and bulky appearance of the ancient basilica

Suleymaniye Mosque
Suleymaniye Mosque (Süleymaniye Camii)
You can not miss it: the biggest mosque in the city majestically overlooks the Golden Horn ... Some see it as the largest and most beautiful mosque in the city, long before the Blue Mosque ... But inside is simple, very simple, I think we quickly get used to the glitz of Iznik tiles ... the cemetery east of the mosque contains several mausoleums, including those of Suleiman the Magnificent and Roxalana.

Rustem Pasha Mosque
Rustem Pasha Mosque
Very small and therefore relatively difficult to find; this is to some most endearing mosques of Istanbul and even prettier. It is true that my most beautiful mosque inside photos were taken there as it is bright: completely covered with tiles Iznit, full of charming details, she literally breath away. Near the Egyptian Bazaar, it lies above an arcade of shops and overlooks the streets lined with caravanserais.
Topkapi Palace (Topkapi Sarayi)
Topkapi Palace merit alone pages combining superlative description and ameliorative, really ... The Seraglio (palace) Topkapi was the residence of the sultans before the construction of Dolmabahce Palace. A city within a city, with harem, mosques, libraries, external services, etc. the walk is more enjoyable. Happy students: they will benefit from a discounted rate by half, ... 200F, anyway! Rate increases causing a Taule ... The Hall of input plus Ticket Treasury.

It will among other things, the throne of Murat III, weighing nearly 250 kg of pure gold vestments sultans, dripping with gold and precious stones and fine or big as your fist, diamond Pigot 86 carats with 58 facets, which alone occupies a storefront or this oriental dagger three emeralds, the "Kancar" star of the movie "Topkapi" 70s Harem entrance ticket included. Only a small part of the harem visit at a run today. I thought it was worth the shot anyway, so check with your budget ... The Coat Room: There, in a corner of the seraglio covered earthenware eighteenth century walls, is piously preserved a cloak of the Prophet and other relics that belonged to him with a tooth and a hair beard, his battle sabers, two swords in gold, enriched with precious stones. And a cast of the hand of the Prophet and impressions of his feet which (not corresponding to those shoes) size somewhat disconcerted my companions ...

The Church of St
The Church of St. Savior in Chora (Kariye Cami Müzesi)
The most beautiful Byzantine mosaics in Istanbul are to see here. This museum is a must for lovers of art and worth a visit even before Hagia Sophia.
The Grand Bazaar
The Grand Bazaar justify almost single weekend in Istanbul for tourists chineur ... With 66 lanes, its just a city within a city. There are no fewer than 2,500 stores and 1,200 workshops to which are added cafes, restaurants, banks, post offices, mosques and fountains. Jewellery, silverware, antiques, ceramics, leather or brass, everything that can dream. If the area of the bazaar remained places of traditional shops and factories, this is not the case of the covered market itself, which has become the treasure trove of mass tourism.

Egyptian Bazaar in Istanbul

Egyptian Bazaar in Istanbul 

Egyptian Bazaar in Istanbul is much smaller than the Grand Bazaar, this is the place to buy Turkish delight, teas, spices to take home even if there is less and less groceries and more in addition to jewelery and tourist scams ...

There are many other things to see and visit in this shimmering city of Istanbul. A selection of other sites to see in Istanbul ... 

Happy travels to Istanbul

by Christelle

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