mardi 19 août 2014

The 20 most touristic countries in the world

What are the top 20 tourist countries in the world? France monopolized the top spot for several years, but tourism revenues are lower than countries attracting fewer people. Small decryption.

First observing this first classification, French Place is pleasing especially as the land area is very less compared to other countries on the podium. France drew 76.8 million visitors every year (holidays booked from a night in the country).

Tourism is a pillar of the French economy and even the first surplus position by volume. For example, are spending by foreign tourists in France reached € 34 billion in 2005, while spending French overseas only reached during the same period, that € 25.1 billion, according to statistics from the Ministry of Tourism. The tourist office is therefore a surplus of 8.9 billion euros.

But why France attracts? France is a diverse destination, multi-client and multi-market time for beach holidays, mountain, countryside, also with a very strong appeal of Paris and the historic heritage (castles of the Loire example). The proximity to Europe is also crucial for the English, the Dutch, Germans, Belgians, France is the destination of the proximity, it remains an attractive destination at a reasonable cost. French cuisine is also very popular with foreigners. Arriving in France, the tourist is filled cultural and artistic history point.

For cons, the French tourism is not the most production-in the world. Is it that the products or stays not enough tourists to push out the wallet? In any case, the finding is real: the United States and Spain better rentabilisent tourism that France flux as we prove this ranking:

French first place in terms of international arrivals in the world and third in the ranking of tourism revenues surprise the French. The United States, Spain, China, Italy and even the Maghreb seem to them more attractive. Yet, proposed by France is incomparable diversity and tourism accounts for about 7% of French GDP.

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