mercredi 20 août 2014

"Achensee" aesthetic and therapeutic tourism in Austria


Austria is famous for its picturesque nature that captivates and enchants the eyes kernels. The lake is located in Aachen uniform between the arms of the Tyrol region of the Alps of the most beautiful tourist destinations out; where the lake is a shimmering emerald green color as the fountain of health and beauty, being a source of oil shale with enormous health benefits.

So it is no wonder that flourish tourism in the area around Lake Aachen uniform; where infested area hotels, which includes among its corners clubs healthy "spa" that offers to their visitors, oil shale The black color and textures thick in the form of ointments and liquid bath and oil massage for body massage done in order to treat locomotor system troubles, the mother of rheumatism, and stimulate a sense of psychological and physical relaxation, and sent vigor and vitality in the body, in addition to re-freshness and moisture to the skin and give it texture velvet.

The idea of ​​Karl Reiter leading therapeutic applications of oil shale in the hotels in the region, where he owns hotels in the region, "Akhankirc" serves as a committee of the Recreation and hospitalization and integrated oasis of calm and relaxation. In addition to the health club, which offers free treatment in oil shale, the hotel also among his staff, a fitness facility, tennis courts, a cinema, a gourmet restaurant and lounge for meditation.

In the area Vitalberg find tourists have a history museum lists the discovery of oil shale and explain to them the stages of extraction and processing. It was the discovery of oil shale in the Aachen area uniform in 1902 coincidentally at the hands of someone in love with the collection of minerals named Martin Albrecht. During his tour through the mountains above Lake Karondl Aachen uniform in Tirol, severe storm air, Albrecht rushed to shelter in the mountain hut from heavy rains and thunder and lightning outside. During his stay at the cottage Albrecht threw a stone in the fireplace which was still glowing, kindled coal and firewood in the fireplace. Albrecht did not believe himself flew joy and discovery of oil shale, which Oaay search for geologists long.

In addition, the region around Lake Aachen uniform landscaped attract lovers running and cycling; where fans can jogging exercise favorite hobby spaces stretches for 183 kilometers, while available to the amateur cycling paths along the banks of the lake and in the embrace of mountains stretching for a distance of 250 kilometers.

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