vendredi 22 août 2014

Tips for swimming in beaches

What do you do when someone is exposed to the sinking of the beach during the trip?
Trips are considered beach trips fun, it is not our wish to relax on the beach, enjoying the fresh air and the picturesque view of the sea, which is a matter of comfort, tranquility and relaxation. 
But sometimes comes winds do not crave ships, such as turbidity disturb those trips when someone is suffering from members of the flight from drowning, and soon becomes of imminent death. 
It occurs drowning usually when prevents water or any other liquid air from entering the chest rights through the mouth and nose, which impedes breathing and blood circulation .. It can happen drowning in deep water, as it can happen in shallow water if they covered the face and nose of the person drowned. 
At the beach during any trip should pay very close attention to the children, where they are more vulnerable to sinking .. and for three reasons: 
Can not determine the depth of the water. 
  Can not swim in most cases. 
  Are not strong enough to enable them to get out of difficult situations. 
In the event of a case of drowning, whether drowned small or large there should be wasting time, pleased to act in the first seconds that followed the rescue and bail him out of the water represents the critical moments, and on the basis of disposition is determined by everything .. and most of all not to waste time in an attempt expel water from the lungs, but the case never work respirator, and cardiac massage if necessary. 
And include first aid following: 
Raise the head of the person drowned above the level of the water and give it to a safe area. 
  If the person is unconscious perform the following steps .. 
Scour the course of the airways than anything hanging out like sand. 
  Open the course of the airways. 
· If the person is not breathing, beginning the process of recovery of the heart and breathing. 
  In the case of recovery of a drowning man to consciousness, it is possible that the vomit, so your cum on one side so as not to enter the water, which Takiah to the lungs, causing a state of suffocation. 
   After first aid, move the person to a drowning man places medical care for a medical examination and a comprehensive check on the absence of any fractures or injuries or even internal injuries. 
Finally .. In order to avoid exposure to the positions of drowning should undescended sea in case that was rough and the waves are high, or if you suffer from fatigue or fatigue may affect the general health situation .. As for the children should be placed under strict control, they are more vulnerable to sinking as we mentioned earlier.

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