mardi 26 août 2014

Tourism in Botswana:

Capital Gaborone 
The official language English, Astawana
Republika authoritarian regime
Botswana Geographic Location 

State in South Africa. Is a British protectorate in southern Africa (Botswana Land) gained independence in the year (1386 -1966 AD), and I knew after independence on behalf of Botswana announced by the republic in the year (1397 -1977 AD), reached by Europeans in the third century AH, it has seized the Boers they are a mixture of Ald in South Africa, the differences between the tribes national Itsuana, they came towards her to impose control over them, but the dispute between the British and the Boers saved Botswana from the occupation, and the Portuguese were waiting for opportunities to Astela to Botswana to reach between their colony of Mozambique in southern Africa and the colony of Angola in West Africa , and if the British without achieving this end.


Land is a plateau medium, a height of about a thousand meters, a section of the desert of Namibia (Kalahari), and the most prominent waterways by the River (Okavango) which flows into the Okavango swamp in the north-west.
. Is bordered by South Africa to the south and southeast, Namibia to the west and north, and Zimbabwe to the northeast. Zambia and converge at one point.

Botswana's climate is hot in summer (southern) and cold in the winter, and few are falling rainfall in summer. It covers most of the grasses and shrubs land, and this provided an opportunity for the pastoral life where raising cattle, goats and sheep.

Population and human activity 

With a population of Botswana 1.197 million people, including a small number of Europeans and Asians and the majority Africans, and most people live in the range east of the country consists of the population of the eight major tribes, and there among the population (Botswana) The number of Bushmen who are a primitive and numbering about twenty thousand, decreasing their number constantly , Halogelbah of the elements of the Bantu group Sotho and Alaptswana and engaged in agriculture in limited areas and employs about 64% of the labor force, and I have found quantities of the great mineral deposits, this is likely to operate mining an important place of their economies, and as a result of the low level of access migrates number of the population to work in the Union of South Africa and their livestock is estimated at about 2,350,000 cows, and 220 thousand of sheep, goats and 1,250,000 m in the year (1408 --1,988 m).
Botswana is one of the greatest success stories of development in the world. The country's small and landlocked population of about 1.9 million people and was one of the poorest countries in Africa with a GDP per capita of $ 70 at independence from Britain in 1966 in the four decades that followed independence, quoted Botswana itself into the ranks of middle-income to become one of the the fastest growing economies in the world in terms of average annual growth rate of about 9%.

Botswana proven track record in the field of good governance and economic growth with the support of prudent financial management of the macro-economy, which stands in contrast to the country's high levels of poverty and inequality and low human development indicators in general. While contributed to economic development in Botswana over the past forty years in improving the living standards of about two-thirds of the population, the remaining one-third had defaulted on economic growth.
Some pictures of Botswana and nature
The share of education of the GDP of about 10%, and significant educational achievements have been made, including the provision of free education for almost everyone. But the results of this spending did not create the skills and manpower needed by Botswana. Unemployment is high limits and almost 20% of household income in rural areas is much less than in urban areas, and despite the decline in poverty rates in rural areas, but they remain very high in urban areas. As a result, income inequality in Botswana is one of the highest in the world. Resulted in an epidemic of HIV / AIDS to the aggravation of the situation where the country has the second highest prevalence of HIV among adults in the world, and that the outcome of education and health are lower than those countries in the same group of income.
Botswana diamond country trips and bold

Considered to Botswana of the largest African countries where they pass through the Tropic of Capricorn, which is the third largest producer of diamonds and the richest countries in Africa, bordered to the south and south-eastern South Africa, and from the north-eastern Zimbabwe, and from the north and west of Namibia and covers an area of ​​582000 square kilometers and rising from the sea in 1000 AD is a country for the traveler because most daring desert Savannah-free roads, moisture, and salt marshes.
And where more than 79000 Phil constitute the largest herd wandering freely in the world, massing where many species of wildlife, for the extension of the great Kalahari Desert Alsnecat and swamps of the River Chobe, islands and channels in the Okavango Delta extends over an area of ​​1.5 million hectares, "where River originates Okavango from Angola, Namibia and lost in the desert. "
Each of these areas combined to be a series of eco-system in which animals, birds and plants many Okavango alone constitutes a protected wilderness is very beautiful in South Africa as there where 550 species of birds and 1,000 species of plants as well as crocodiles, rhinos, buffalo, zebra, lion, giraffe, elephants and the Kodokan.
Renowned Tchoua existence large herds of elephants, wildlife and River forms Tchoua environment suitable for fishing where there is 91 species of fish, including 24 popular largely among fishermen and protected Muremy located in the north-east of the Delta, and acacia trees and giant dense forest is home to the kinds of great land animals, water, and because of the success of the economically Botswana government decided to attract tourism, which do not affect much on the environment and therefore there will be a small number of pioneers who are cared for in style.

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