dimanche 24 août 2014

Disease in Travel

Diseases that make you during travel
Dengue fever and dengue fever, as well as call or dengue disease is a severe diet, found in tropical regions where one of the neglected tropical diseases, and is caused by four serotypes of the genus convergent yellowish virus from the family of viruses and nematodes, also known as fever broken bone. Includes the geographical spread north of Australia, and northern Argentina, and Singapore as a whole, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Honduras, and Costa Rica, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Abanngladec, Mexico, Suriname, and the Dominican Republic, Brazil, French Guiana, Venezuela, Barbados , and Trinidad and Samo 

Hepatitis hepatitis a group of diseases with varying etiology involving the presence of interstitial inflammation in acute or chronic liver. Hepatitis is acute if the less than six months and chronic if it continues longer than that. And grades of hepatitis A and hepatitis B and hepatitis C and hepatitis D and hepatitis E and hepatitis G

How transmission 

Participation in the used needles to inject drugs narcotic.
Involuntary twitching or wound with a needle or scalpel contaminated with the virus while working in the laboratory or in the operating room or for those working in dialysis.
Cupping tattoo or non-sterile needles, razor or razor tainted by the blood of a person infected with the virus.
Forbidden sexual intercourse or sexual relations Forbidden other words
HIV is not transmitted hepatitis handshake or embrace the person with the disease or contagious carrier of the virus or sit beside him.

Avoid the use of toothbrushes and razors of others
Avoid drugs, especially those used by injection
Avoid the use of injections and analysis tools for sugar, which already can use to someone else
Avoid intercourse Muharram
Caution when dealing with contaminated blood for health workers
Wearing gloves while handling blood in domestic accidents (injuries) when one of the family members with Hepatitis C
Vaccine did not discover a special b hepatitis c yet

Polio virus, which is the ability to make a severe disease incubation period ranging between 4-14 days and ways of transmission: The virus enters the body through the nose or mouth, as well as the disease spreads through human waste, in a few cases are rare and can be transmitted Using dairy foods contaminated with human excrement .oana also cause shortness of breath

He is known for diarrhea, but each types and causes acute diarrhea as follows (ie, non-chronic): the causes of the disease associated infections (viruses, for example) with 90 percent of acute diarrhea (bacteria, etc.) across from the food poisoning, bacterial toxins. Each year get sick almost one-third of human time this kind, a few of them practically need medical help. To guard sure to eat clean and healthy food and fresh

Tooth pain causes dental disease in most cases, dental pain caused problems for a year or jaw, such as tooth decay or wisdom tooth or sore or cracked Age pulp, we recommend you to take painkillers before you travel to a reserve of dental pain

Food poisoning is a set of symptoms caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria, or toxins produced by these organisms, also produces food poisoning from eating food contaminated with different types of viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxic chemicals such as poisoning resulting from eating mushrooms, said that food poisoning may outbreak event that symptoms of the disease has appeared in more than two [non-neutral], studies have shown laboratory that food intake is the direct cause by planting causing bacteria poisoning, and food poisoning caused by bacteria, the main cause of more than 80% of cases of poisoning food to avoid this disease, be sure to eat at places clean

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