vendredi 15 août 2014


This year the Orthodox Easter coincides with the universal. So across the world take place all sorts of Easter traditions! 

1) Finland The Finns welcome Easter like Halloween, children roam around the streets dressed as wizards or witches seeking treats, like the American Halloween (main photo).

2) Australia Australians, instead of the Easter hare, have "Bilbo Easter" aiming to turn the world's attention to this pet (like rabbit), which is endangered.

 3) Bermiou Easter is a celebration of joy honored with flying kites M.. Since Friday kites symbolize Christ's ascension to heaven.

4) Germany, Sweden, Norway The Germans decorate trees with colorful, hand-painted, Easter eggs! In Sweden and Norway also customary to decorate twigs in vases with colorful eggs!

5) Switzerland In Switzerland switzerland, ahead of Easter, people decorate wells and fountains to commemorate the water as a valuable element of life, and Easter, the celebration of new life !.

 6) Sevilla The procession of floats and masked is an original spectacle that overwhelms the city streets! The purpose is to illustrate the history of Easter and essentially symbolizes the beginning of spring

7) France In southwestern France, the people make a huge omelette on Easter Monday with a view to more than 1,000 hungry people!

 8) Poland poland-easster The main house is forbidden to participate in the preparation of the traditional Easter bread, otherwise, it is believed that the mustache will be whitened and the dough will not rise!

9) Scotland In Scotland the residents leave on a steep hill beautiful Easter eggs to roll and the egg will reach as far as possible without breaking wins!

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